
#3372 WINCE: consecutive left click bug

Day of the Tentacle

my device : HTC TYTN
OS : windows mobile 6 professional(CE OS 5.1.195 build 17743.2.3.0)
Free internal memory : 42.5 mb
Free storage card memory : 30 mb
free ram : from 20 mb to 23.5 mb

Im using scummvm for wince port version 0.10.0 stored on memory card and the games are stored on memory card too.

The problem occurs when playng day of the tentacle(i havent tested with the other games yet), but only occurs in scummvm wince port version 0.10.0 it does not occur in the older versions of scummvm wince port(i have tested with version 0.9.1 and its working fine).

when playing the game out of nowere it starts executing consecutive left clicks where the cross of the mouse is point at and it only stops when i put the free look configuration to the "manual left click" mode, when in free look "manual left click" mode the button i assinged to left click(softkey A) doesnt work so i change back to "auto execute left click" mode, then the problem stop and after a while it happens again. Although i could do the free look trick changing from "auto" to "manual" to "auto", its really annoying to happen every time im playing, the bug keeps going and coming back. Im sorry for my bad english and i hope i can be usefull with this report


  • stimm

    stimm - 2007-08-07

    debug when occurred the problem

  • Max Horn

    Max Horn - 2007-08-11
    • assigned_to: nobody --> knakos
    • summary: consecutive left click bug on pda --> WINCE: consecutive left click bug
  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2007-08-14

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    it seems to me from the debugging output you provide that the trouble begins when pressing the 'volume up' key. can you verify this?

  • stimm

    stimm - 2007-08-14

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    actually it happens after i save the game.

  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2007-08-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    maybe you have binded the 'volume up' key to bring up the save game dialog? anyway, I see a weird 'volume up' keystroke in the log. which action is that bound to?

  • redjediuk

    redjediuk - 2007-08-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Same auto click happens to me also when I play atlantis

    Game is fine until I save and then the auto click appears. I have to quit then restart ScummVM for it to disappear.

    ScummVM 0.10.0
    Dell Axim X50
    Windows Mobile 2003SE

  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2007-08-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Yes, but:

    Which key have you bound to the 'Save game' action? Or are you using the toolbar icon to bring up the in-game menu?

  • redjediuk

    redjediuk - 2007-08-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    For me I just click on the file folder in the bottom left of the ScummVM screen then click on the Save screen button.

    I have no buttons hard coded.

  • spookypeanut

    spookypeanut - 2007-11-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Also happens for me with MI2, Dig, COMI.

    Jubanka: I now have wince building capability (woohoo!), just tested in svn and it still happens. Let me know if you want me to test something :-)

  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2007-11-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    when does this happen for you? what triggers it? Is it totally random, or after saving a game? also, pasting your stdout file here will help.

  • spookypeanut

    spookypeanut - 2007-11-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    It always (and only) happens after saving a game, whether I bind the menu to a key or not. The workaround is to pop the menu up again, and it stops.

    stdout here:

    Using configuration file: scummvm.ini

    Sound opened OK, mixing at 11025 Hz

    Lost mouse focus.

    Got mouse focus.

    Looking for monkey2

    Trying to start game 'Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge'

    Using gameid monkey2, variant (null), extra

    Using MD5 '3686cf8f89e102ececf4366e1d2c8126'

    Sound opened OK, mixing at 11025 Hz

    Lost mouse focus.

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 31 1

    Key up 31 1

    Key down 158 application 5

    Key down 11E f5

    Key down 11E f5

    Key up 158 application 5

    Key up 11E f5

    (0:1:0x9DE): Adding object 76 from room 9 into inventory

    Key down 11E f5

    Key up 11E f5

    Key down 155 application 2

    Key up 155 application 2

    Key down D action

    Key up D action

    State loaded from 'monkey2.s01'

    Key down 155 application 2

    Key up 155 application 2

    Key down 155 application 2

    Key up 155 application 2

    Key down 11E f5

    Key up 11E f5

    Key down D action

    State saved as 'monkey2.s01'

    Key down 11E f5

    Key up 11E f5

  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2007-11-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I see. The problem manifests itself when pressing the "Menu" action *key*, e.g. there is no problem when showing the menu by *tapping* on the menu icon in the tool bar, right? Also do you have the same device as reported here?

  • spookypeanut

    spookypeanut - 2007-11-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I tested both clicking on the button and mapping a buttton, and it happens on both. The paste below was from clicking on the menu icon. If you like I can make doubly sure and unmap the key before I start ;-)

    I have a PocketLOOX N560 (WM5, VGA).

  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2008-01-01
    • status: open --> pending
  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2008-01-01

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    does this thing still persist? I cannot reproduce it at all with current svn (meaning: I cannot get any key to get "stuck" at all no matter how hard I try). Setting to pending.

  • spookypeanut

    spookypeanut - 2008-01-03

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Yes, this bug persists on the release candidate for 0.11.0. Just to clarify, it is not about a particular button "sticking": the game seems to be receiving LMB-click events at regular, v frequent intervals (about 5 or so a second it seems), wherever the mouse cursor is at the time. Like I said before, it is possible to duplicate the problem (on my device at least) without a single button press, so it's not button related.

  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2008-01-03

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    OK. This is too weird and quite possibly specific device related. I am going to need a complete and detailed rundown on how this issue manifests itself. I mean like set debuglevel=1 then "click on scummvm.exe, double click on dott in the launcher.... etc". Furthermore I'll need the [scummvm] section of your scummvm.ini and the stdout/stderr files. Since you (spookypeanut) say that it isn't keyboard related, please do not touch the keyboard for the duration of this test. Try reproducing without loading a savegame if possible. If you cannot attach files to this bug report, feel free to open another one and post the link to it here for reference.

  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2008-01-03
    • status: pending --> open
  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2008-01-04
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate
  • Kostas Nakos

    Kostas Nakos - 2008-01-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    dupe of #1863961