Elbert - 2009-09-10

What would you recommend as the best way to do this? I have set up scribed as a service on the localhost, and my app is going to send messages to it as they are generated. In the current design, messages are being sent to the socket. However, if scribed is unavailable, then those messages are lost. It looks like the app needs to buffer the messages until scribed becomes available again, but that seems like we're reinventing the wheel, because that's exactly what scribe does. Can your recommend what you think is a good implementation of an external app with scribed messaging bus?

Historically, the app in question writes to a logfile on the local filesystem. At regular intervals, the logfile is then copied to shared nfs mount. The value in having scribe do this work is that if the shared storage is unavailable or slow, then scribe will buffer the messages, and the app will be unaffected, and under normal circumstances, the data will be available in the shared location in more real-time.
