
Tree [d745a5] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 TaichiScreenSwitchCommon 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.
 TaichiScreenSwitchDesktop 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.
 TaichiScreenSwitchService 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.
 .gitignore 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.
 TaichiScreenSwitch.sln 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.
 TaichiScreenSwitch.v11.suo 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.
 installTaichiScreenSwitch.ps1 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.
 readme.txt 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.
 uninstallTaichiScreenSwitch.ps1 2013-07-14 meril meril [d745a5] change code organisation for an easier build.

Read Me


note : for installing the moderUI gui, you may need a develloper licence (i don't release it on the store, at this time)
You can use my program with the desktop icon tray alone anyway.

1) "auto" via powershell
 - open powershell with administrator credentials
    - win key
    - type "powershell"
    - right-clic on the "powershell" icon
    - clic on "run as administrator"
 - execute this command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
 - go to the install directory (via cd command)
    - type 'cd '
    - copy the directory path
    - middle clic into the powershell window
    -type enter
 - type .\installTaichiScreenSwitch.ps1
2) manual for geeks:
open powershell script (.ps1) in notepad and make the three command mannually
(two exe to execute and one registry key to set)