
3D Plot PovRay templates / News: Recent posts

Preliminary documentation

I've just uploaded initial documentation for the project. Remember, this is absolutely alpha
state and it is continuously updated but in my free time only. So one may expect remarkable changes in
the future releases - which will be as I hope - soon.

Janusz Opiła

Posted by Janusz Opiła 2013-02-03

Bugfix release soon

I've discovered and localized several severe bugs in my recent code. So, please be patient, bugfix relase is coming as version 3.0.2! And improved manual.
See you,

Posted by Janusz Opiła 2013-01-05

Version 3.0 eventually released. Hooray!

Hi, this is introductory release of enhanced templates. I hope, everything should work just from box. Copy all *.inc files to {HOME}/include/PovPlot3D - directory and tune relevant paths given in #include statement. Exemplary scene files copy to folder of your choice, load into editor and try render. Modify and add new options. Read manual though it is rather, well, incomplete. I promise, I'll release improved version soon. Use bug tracker if in trouble, and/or don't hesitate sending me e-mail. Have fun!

Posted by Janusz Opiła 2013-01-01

Update to version 3.0

version 3.0 is coming - see screenshot (1)! Smoothed (bezier spline patches) 3D surfaces based on irregular (kernel density or ordinary kriging) as well gridded data, interval surfaces, additional coords system - wired walls, colormaps and refactoring. Templates are now compatible with new 3.7 RC6 of POVRay. My plan is to publish everything until Christmas this year.

Posted by Janusz Opiła 2012-11-28