
sCoreForge Pathfinder Character Creator / Release Notes: Recent posts

sCoreForge Character Sheet v7.4.0.1


Added Mystery Cultist to Prestige Class. [TICKET#422] [Prest]
Added Alternative Class Favored Class Bonuses. [TICKET#583]
Added Sword Saint Archetype back in. [TICKET#576]
Added additional Buffs. [TICKET#555/#569]
Added additional selection options to Elemental Spell Feat. [TICKET#568] [Feats]
Corrected issue with Ring of Jumping [TICKET#603]
Corrected issues/missing Traits. [TICKET#565/#589/#599] [Traits]
Corrected issues with Eidolon calculations. [TICKET#598]
Corrected issues/added additional Magic Items. [TICKET#570/#571/#597] [MagEqu]
Corrected issue with Stat Block. [TICKET#595]
Corrected issue with Arcane (Sage). [TICKET#594]
Corrected issues with Monk Archetypes. [TICKET#524/#554/#586/#592]
Corrected issue with Tribal Scar HP bonus. [TICKET#588]
Corrected issue with Custom Class Bonus Feats. [TICKET#587]
Corrected Orc Feral Known Languages. [TICKET#582]
Corrected typos with some Class Ability Text. [TICKET#553/#580]
Changed how Undersized Tiefling works. [TICKET#579]
Corrected issues with Oracle Revelations. [TICKET#566/#575]
Corrected cost of some items. [TICKET#557/#573]
Corrected Dwarven running speed in heavy armor. [TICKET#572]
Corrected issue with Slyph favored class bonus. [TICKET#567]
Corrected issue with Weapon Sizes. [TICKET#564]
Corrected issues with Evangelist. [TICKET#559/#560]
Corrected issue with Tower Shield Specialist Archetype. [TICKET#558]
Corrected issue with Gun Tank Archetype. [TICKET#556] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2014-08-07

sCoreSpell Character Spellbook v0.12.0.1


Added multiple new feats, including Metamagic Feat options. [Feats]
Added Elemental override options for Sorcerer and Wizard.
Changed how Cross Class Spells work for classes that select new spells each level. [TICKET#600]
Updated Spell Cards with feat adjustment information.
Added additional traits. [Traits]


Posted by thebluecanary 2014-08-06

sCoreForge Character Sheet v7.3.0.0


Added Dhampir Heritage Variant. [TICKET#490] [Race]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Changed how Aasimar and Tiefling Alternate Heritage Works. [TICKET#471/#551] [Race]
Note: If you have an Aasimar or Tiefling selected you will have to adjust your selections with the load.
Added Support for Gestalt / Bonus Class Levels. [TICKET#542]
Added Evangelist to Prestige Class. [TICKET#491] [Prest]
Note: If you have an Prestige Class selected you will have to adjust your selections with the load.
Corrected issue with Inquisitor information not displaying correctly. [TICKET#548/#549]
Corrected issue with some Sorcerer and Oracle abilities. [TICKET#547]
Corrected issue with Mountain Pattern Armor. [TICKET#545]
Corrected issue with Human Age Modifiers. [TICKET#544]
Corrected issue with Paladin Spell description. [TICKET#543]
Corrected issue with Natural Attacks. [TICKET#541] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2014-07-11

sCoreForge Character Sheet v7.2.0.2

Added Magic Items, Feats and Archetypes from 'Dungeoneer's Handbook'. [TICKET#434] [MagEqu, Feats, Arch]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Added Buttons for Random Height / Weight.
Corrected issue with Rapid Reload display issue. [TICKET#537]
Corrected issue with Half-Orc Weapon Proficiency. [TICKET#536]
Corrected issue with Hand of Acolyte 'Use' option. [TICKET#535]
Corrected several issues with Alchemists. [TICKET#533/#531/#530]
Corrected issue with Beast Totem. [TICKET#523]
Corrected issue with Smite Damage. [TICKET#509]
Corrected issue with Weapon Training and Duelist Gloves. [TICKET#508]
Corrected issue with Witch Doctor and Prehensile Hair. [TICKET#501]
Corrected issue with Arcane (Sage) Knowledge Skill. [TICKET#487]
Corrected issue with Totem Spirit Feat. [TICKET#397]
Corrected issue with Arcane Pool Enhancement Bonus. [TICKET#372]
Corrected issue with Blackened Curse. [TICKET#367]
Added Banner of the Ancient Kings to Magic Equipment. [TICKET#500] [MagEqu]... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2014-07-03

sCoreSpell Character Spellbook v0.11.0.0

Corrected issue with Spell Cards and Prepared Spells. [TICKET#538]
Corrected issue with Loading when running under different language. [TICKET#458]
Added options for Bonus CL for element spells.


Posted by thebluecanary 2014-07-02

sCoreForge Character Sheet v7.1.0.0

Added Alchemist Bomb Effects to Weapons Tab. [TICKET#518]
Corrected issue with Dragon Hide Price. [TICKET#526]
Corrected issue with Rapid Reload. [TICKET#521]
Corrected issue with Oracle skills. [TICKET#520/#332]
Corrected issue with Weapon Size Chart. [TICKET#515]
Added more trait displays to Conditionals. [TICKET#504]
Corrected issue with Animal Companions. [TICKET#512/#400]
Added Options for 'Young' characters. [TICKET#484]
Corrected issues with Eidolons. [TICKET#496/#407]
Corrected issues with Hexcrafter. [TICKET#390/#371]
Corrected issue with Double Weapon attack. [TICKET#495]
Added missing Barbarian Rage Powers. [TICKET#365]
Corrected issue with Vital Strike. [TICKET#492]
Corrected issue with Improvised Weapons. [TICKET#499]
Corrected issue with Hide Shirt. [TICKET#517]
Corrected issue with Emcumbrance Error. [TICKET#522]... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2014-06-23

sCoreForge Character Sheet v7.0.0.0

Added Weight Adjustment to Magic Tab.
Corrected issue with Axionmatic Cost. [TICKET#424]
Added Traits from People of the North and Bastards of Golarion. [Traits]
Added People of the North and Bastards of Golarion Sources.
Added Feats from People of the North. [Feats]
Added Viking to the Fighter Archetypes. [Arch]
Note: If you do not have an Archetype selected, this will not be an issue for you with the load.
Added Witchguard to the Ranger Archetypes. [Arch]
Note: If you do not have an Archetype selected, this will not be an issue for you with the load.
Added Winter to Oracle Mysteries. [Mystery]
Note: If you do have a Mystery selected, this may be an issue for you with the load.
Added Magic Items from People of the North and Bastards of Golarion. [MagEqu, Wpns]
Added Alt-Race Traits from Bastards of Golarion. [Race]
Note: If you do have a Alt-Race Trait selected, this may be an issue for you with the load.
Added Greensting Slayers to the Magus Archetypes. [Arch]
Note: If you do not have an Archetype selected, this will not be an issue for you with the load.
Added Averaka Arbiter to Bard Archetypes. [Arch]
Note: If you do not have an Archetype selected, this will not be an issue for you with the load.
Added missing items from PFAP: Shattered Star. [TICKET#461]
Added Siege Gunner to Gunsliner Archetypes. [Arch]
Note: If you do not have an Archetype selected, this will not be an issue for you with the load.
Corrected issue with Trapfinding with Rangers. [TICKET#480]
Corrected issue with Off-hand weapon attack bonus. [TICKET#476]
Corrected issue with STR bonus from Bloodlines. [TICKET#418]
Corrected issue with Destructive Smite. [TICKET#384]
Corrected issue with Oracle Seeker Archetype. [TICKET318] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2014-05-12

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.23.0.0

Added Campaign Traits from RoW. [TICKET#476]
Added Hex Nial from RoW.
Added Thundercaller to Bard Archetypes. [Arch]
Note: If you do not have an Archetype selected, this will not be an issue for you with the load.
Corrected Horizon Walker Astral Plane description. [TICKET#320]
Corrected issue with Concentration Checl. [TICKET#326]
Corrected issues with Oracle Arechetypes. [TICKET#335/#460]
Corrected issue with Monk of the Four Winds. [TICKET#366]
Corrected issue with Zen Archer Weapon Specialization. [TICKET#391]
Corrected issue with Brawling Armor enchantment. [TICKET#414]
Corrected issue with Monk 'Offhand' attack penalties. [TICKET#429]
Corrected issues with Deities. [TICKET#438]
Corrected issue with Azata (Mused Touched). [TICKET#452]
Corrected issue with Favored Judgment Feat. [TICKET#464]
Corrected issue with Vampire Template. [TICKET#469]
Corrected issue with Eidolon's Small Size. [TICKET#472]
Corrected issue with Arcane School Abilities. [TICKET#475] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2014-05-01

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.22.0.0

Added "Vital Strike" options to weapons tab. [TICKET#423]
Corrected issue with Bruising Intellect. [TICKET#454]
Corrected issue with Gnome First Memory. [TICKET#453]
Corrected issue with Monkey Style Feat. [TICKET#425/#451]
Corrected issue with Qingong Monk and other Archetypes. [TICKET#447]
Corrected issue with Feats not saving. [TICKET#440]
Corrected issue with Aasimar Alt Traits. [TICKET#441]
Corrected issue with Deities Fave Weapon. [TICKET#438]
Corrected issue with Family Ties Drawback. [TICKET#436]... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2014-04-09

sCoreSpell Character Spellbook v0.10.0.0


Corrected display issues with domain spells. [TICKET#229]
Corrected issue with Prestige Class bonus spells. [TICKET#456]
Corrected issue with Dragon Disciple Spells. [TICKET#382] [Prest]


Posted by thebluecanary 2014-04-02

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.21.0.0


Added 'Drop Shield' and 'Drop Armor' options.
Corrected issue with Field Plate. [TICKET#401]
Added Extra Ninja Trick to the feat list. [TICKET#396] [Feats]
Corrected issue with True Grit display. [TICKET#378]
Corrected text for several reach weapons. [TICKET#386]
Corrected issue with magic boots. [TICKET#373,#403]


Posted by thebluecanary 2014-01-31

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.20.0.0

Added Aspect of the Falcon, Blend, Gravity Bow, Longshot,
and Protection from Energy to buff page.
Corrected issue with Feat tab. [TICKET#352]
Corrected issue with Ranger Caster Level.[TICKET#363]
Corrected issue with Spell Combat. [TICKET#360]
Corrected text with Deep Red Ioun Stone. [ TICKET#361]
Corrected issue with Greenwood. [TICKET#359]
Corrected issue with Saurian Nature Bond and Shark Nature Bond. [TICKET#351]... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-12-26

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.19.0.0


Additional Save time Improvements. [Source]
Note: Hidden tabs will no longer be saved. *
Corrected issue with Feat Display issues.
Corrected issue with Conditional Modifier Display issue.
Corrected issue with Specific Saves for Rogues/Ninjas.
Corrected issue with Fiend Flayer Archetype conflict.
Corrected issue with Trample evolution.
Corrected issue with Weapon Master.
Corrected issue with Urban Barbarian weapon proficiencies.
Corrected issue with Selective Spell.
Corrected issue with Tattoo pricing.
Corrected issue with Eidolon Devotion text.
[TICKET#339]* ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-12-12

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.18.0.1


Improved Load/Save times.
Added additional traits. [Traits]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Added additional Sources. [Source]
Added Story Feats from PFUCgn [Feats]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Added Ignore Encumbrance Option. [TICKET#317]
Corrected Issue with Stalwart feat DR. [TICKET#299]
Corrected issue with Shaping Focus. [TICKET#296]
Corrected issue with Martial Versatility. [TICKET#291]
Corrected issue with Totem Spirit Feat. [TICKET#286]
Corrected issue with Elven Spirit Feat. [TICKET#276] [Feats]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Corrected issue with Power Attack and Two Handed Weapons. [TICKET#310]
Changed how "Charge" weapon Use displays. [TICKET#309] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-11-14

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.17.0.2


Added Magic, Faith, Race and Social Traits from multiple sources. [Traits]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Added additional Sources. [Source]
Corrected issue with Natural Weapon requirements. [TICKET#295]
Added Style selection for Unarmed Fighter. [TICKET#298]
Added Drawbacks to Traits Tab.


Posted by thebluecanary 2013-11-09

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.16.0.2


Corrected issue with Varisian Tattoo. [TICKET#266]
Added 'Color Code Sheet' back in. [TICKET#273]
Added Combat Traits from a collection of sources. [Taits]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Added Champions of Purity, Quests & Campaigns, and Ultimate Campaign to Sources. [Source]
Corrected issue with Drow Darkvision. [TICKET#282]
Corrected issue with Monkey Style. [TICKET#268]
Corrected issue with Unarmed Fighter. [TICKET#267] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-11-01

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.15.0.0

Added Wrath of the Righteous to Source list.
Added Wrath of the Righteous Campaign Traits. [TICKET#251]
Corrected some minor typo issues. [TICKET#234/#235/#243/#257/#258]
Corrected issue with Uncanny Dodge and Flat Footed AC. [TICKET#242]
Corrected issue with missing school from Greater Spell Focus. [TICKET#237]
Corrected issue with Custom Feats in stat block. [TICKET#240]
Corrected issue with Rage Powers Text. [TICKET#241]
Corrected text in Arcane School. [TICKET#233/#238]
Corrected issues with Tomes and Bonus type. [TICKET#231]
Corrected issue with Eidolon Feats. [TICKET#245]
Moved around some of the tabs. [TICKET#248/#249] [Options]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Corrected issue with Grit points. [TICKET#250]
Corrected issue with Favored Judgment List. [TICKET#253]
Corrected issue with Heirloom Weapon. [TICKET#255]
Corrected issue with Druid Domains. [#246]
Corrected issue with Ring of Maniacal Devices. [TICKET#251] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-10-11

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.14.0.0

Corrected issue with Duplicate text in Stat Block. [TICKET#217]
Corrected issue with Rage text. [TICKET#219]
Corrected issue with Wyrmscourged. [TICKET#220]
Corrected typo on Forbidden Spells. [TICKET#225]
Corrected issue with 2HD. [TICKET#222]
Added Transformation to the buffs list. [TICKET#224]
Corrected issue with not all Combat Feats displaying on CSII/CSIII. [TICKET#227]
Corrected issue with Elemental Manipulation Text. [TICKET#226]
Corrected issue with missing text in Stat Box. [TICKET#228]
Added Animal Companions to the Stat Box.... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-10-04

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.13.0.0

Added Winter Witch to Prestige Classes. [TICKET#210] [Prest]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Corrected issue with Quarterstaff Mastery Feat. [TICKET#208]
Corrected issue with Weapon Focus Feat. [TICKET#207]
Corrected issue with Familiars. [TICKET#206]
Corrected issue with Use Options for Weapons. [#204]
Added option to print direct to PDF from Custom Print.
Added Option for players to take Improved Natural Attack. [Feats]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Corrected issue with Magic Rings not showing Resistance Bonus. [TICKET#213]
Corrected issue with Buccaneer and Bardic Knowledge. [TICKET#212] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-09-27

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.12.0.3

Added Carnivalist, Huntmaster, and Mad Dog to Archetypes. [Arch]
Note: If you do not have an Archetype selected, this will not be an issue for you with the load.
Added Inquisitions and Subdomains from AoB.
Corrected issue with Magical Knack and Paladins. [TICKET#200]
Corrected issue with Plane-Touched Age. [TICKET#188]
Corrected some issues with Charge option. [TICKET#193]
Added Charge (Mounted) to weapon Use options.
Corrected issue with Sidestep Secret AC. [TICKET#198]
Corrected issue with Cracked Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone. [TICKET#196]
Corrected issue with Animal Companions and Weapon Focus. [TICKET#190]
Added several missing Masterpiece. [Feats]
Corrected issue with Immolation Bomb damage. [TICKET#162]
Corrected issue with Hand of the Apprentice. [TICKET#199] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-09-18

sCoreSpell Character Spellbook v0.8.0.0


[Custmz, Feats]

Added Basic Feat Support. [Feats]
Corrected issue with Custom Spells not saving. [TICKET#183] [Custmz]
Corrected issue with Spell Sheet Display. [TICKET#149]
Corrected issue with some Spell Text. [TICKET#16/#105/#189/#191]
Corrected issue with elemental spell flags. [TICKET#23]

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-09-13

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.11.0.0

Added Order of the Penitent to the Cavalier Order list. [TICKET#185]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Added Additional Animal Tricks to list of available tricks.
Added Animal Feats from Animal Archive.
Added Animal Archetypes to Animal Companions. [TICKET#169] [AnmlC]
Added Cognatogen to Buff Tab. [TICKET#99]
Added Space to record PFS Number on Options Tab.
Added Familiar Archetypes to Familiar tab. [Famlr]
Corrected issue with Alternate Favored Class bonus not available. [TICKET#158]
Corrected issue with Gunslinger Archetypes and weapon proficiencies. [TICKET#178]
Corrected issue with Weapon Master Weapon Training and Gloves of Dueling. [TICKET#126]
Corrected issue with Enlightened Warrior (Aasimar) Trait and Monk Alignments. [TICKET#168]
Corrected issue with Skill bonuses being calculated incorrectly. [TICKET#94/#175]
Corrected issue with Skill bonus (Spellcraft) calculated wrong for Halflings. [TICKET#178]
Corrected issue with Celestial Servant missing features. [TICKET#173]
Corrected issue with Witches and Improved Familiar. [TICKET#182]
Corrected issue with Druid Wild Empathy. [TICKET#177]
Corrected issue with Arcane spell level requirement for Arcane Trickster. [TICKET#163]
Corrected issue with Magic Items and Metric Weight. [TICKET#153]
Corrected issue with Rouge/Ninja Specifics not loading. [TICKET#154]
Corrected issue with Mitre of the Hierophant.
Corrected issue with Domain Power: Strength Surge Enchantment Bonus. [TICKET#171]
Corrected issue with custom traits. [TICKET#159]
Corrected issue with Eidolon base form Natural Armor. [TICKET#160]
Corrected issue with Hospitaler Channel Ability. [TICKET#161]
Corrected issue with Sorcerer-Bloodline-Arcane-Sage. [TICKET#95]
Corrected issue with Dragon Disciple Fire Resistance. [TICKET#82]
Corrected issue with Preach Archetype Determination. [TICKET#112]
Corrected issue with Ranger evasion text. [TICKET#111]
Corrected issue with Broken Weapon Buff. [TIKET#97]
Corrected issues with Armor weight. [TICKET#176] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-09-11

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.10.0.0

Added Darkfire Adept to Prestige Classes. [Prest]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Added Magical Knack to PFS traits. [TICKET#100/#129] [Traits]
Added Reign of Winter to Source Selection. [Source]
Added Trench Fighter to Fighter Archetypes. [Arch]
Note: If you do not have an Archetype selected, this will not be an issue for you with the load.
Added Occult to Oracle Revelations.
Added Basic Lycanthropy support.
Added Charge to Weapon Tab Use Option. [TICKET#122]
Added missing (*) to Immolation Bomb. [TICKET#102]
Renamed Advanced Rogue Talent Harder to Fool. [TICKET#104]
Corrected issue with Controlled Rage Buff. [TICKET#127]
Corrected requirements for Wheeling Charge. [TICKET#108]
Corrected issue with Saltbeard. [TICKET#117]
Corrected requirements for Channeling Scourge. [TICKET#106]
Corrected issue with attack bonus and weak strength. [TICKET#142]
Corrected issue with Favored Enemy Bonus. [TICKET#133]
Corrected issue with Cavalier Mount display. [TICKET#136]
Corrected issue with Aquatic Druid. [TICKET#86]
Corrected issue with Eidolon Skills Display. [TICKET#85]
Corrected issue with Chymist Progression. [TICKET#71]
Corrected issue with Ninja Weapons. [TICKET#66]
Coins now have weight. (50 = 1lb). [TICKET#113]
Corrected issue with Preacher Archetype. [TICKET#115]
Corrected issue with Class Abilities and Skills display. [TICKET#132]
Corrected issue with save/load Additional Text. [TICKET#151]
Corrected issue with Stargazer Trait. [TICKET#141]
Corrected issue with Ratfolk Alternative Racial Trait. [TICKET#139]
Corrected issue with Rogue Trap Finding Skill Display. [TICKET#137]
Corrected issue with Tracking Display. [TICKET#116]
Added missing Flagbearer Feat. [TICKET#72]
Corrected spelling errors on Magic Equipment Tab. [TICKET#73/#76]
Corrected issue with Bastard Trait. [TICKET#79]
Corrected issue with Dimensional Agility Feat. [TICKET#80]
Corrected issue with School of the Gun. [TICKET#88]
Corrected issue with Strength Bow adding twice. [TICKET#89] ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-07-31

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.9.0.0

Added Brother of the Seal, Champion of the Enlightened, [Prest]
and Group Leader to Prestige Classes. [TICKET#54]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Corrected issue with typos in Racial Traits. [TICKET#59]
Corrected issue with Insightful Strike. [TICKET#56]
Corrected issue with Feats not displaying correctly. [TICKET#58]
Corrected issue with Custom Magic Items. [TICKET#62]... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-05-17

sCoreForge Character Sheet v6.8.0.1

Added some of the missing weapons form PFARG. [TICKET#45] [Wpns]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load.
Changed how Prestige tab is loaded to speed up load times.
Added Mage of the Third Eye to Prestige Classes. [Prest]
Note: You may have to adjust your selections with the load. *
Corrected issue with Feats not displaying what was selected.
Corrected issue with Lore Warden Bravery.
Corrected issue with Ghoran Natural Armor listing.
[TICKET#51]* ... read more

Posted by thebluecanary 2013-05-16