
#1761 Powershell lexer $() sub-expression expansion


Powershell highlighting have a bug. The problem is with '"'. See below example :

Get-WmiObject -Computer $computer -query "select * from Win32_GroupUser where GroupComponent=""Win32_Group.Domain='$computer',Name='$($group.Name)'""" | % {$_.partcomponent –match ".+Domain\=(.+)\,Name\=(.+)$"; if($matches[1].trim('"') -eq $computer) { $groupMembersCompare[$group.Name].Add("$($matches[2].trim('"'))", $False) } else { $groupMembersCompare[$group.Name].Add("$($matches[1].trim('"'))\$($matches[2].trim('"'))", $False) } } > $nul


  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson - 2015-09-10
    • labels: --> scintilla, lexer
    • assigned_to: Neil Hodgson
  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson - 2015-09-10

    Is there any documentation that describes the rules that are supposed to be followed here?

  • Alexandre Laroche

    Bruce Payette is a co-designer of the PowerShell language and the development lead for its implementation. From that, you might guess that his book: Windows PowerShell in Action would provide a great explanation of the language and how to use it – you'd be right.

    Appendix C: The PowerShell grammar =>

    Reference :

    • Neil Hodgson

      Neil Hodgson - 2015-09-14

      That appears to confirm that the current lexing is correct. The relevant productions are:

          <ExpandableStringToken> = ".\*"
          <StringToken> = '.\*'

      In Scintilla choose different colours for SCE_POWERSHELL_STRING (2:ExpandableStringToken) and SCE_POWERSHELL_CHARACTER (3:StringToken). For example, in SciTE:


      You will see alternating styles. At the first location of "$ it switches to SCE_POWERSHELL_STRING until the next " is found. The next character is ' so it switches to SCE_POWERSHELL_CHARACTER, then again back to SCE_POWERSHELL_STRING then SCE_POWERSHELL_CHARACTER.

      Inside ExpandableStringToken there may be VariableToken instances which are $ followed either by alphanumeric sequences or sequences surrounded by {}.

          <VariableToken> = \$[:alnum:]+ | \${.+}

      The example code uses a $( expression which does not appear to be allowed based upon the referenced document.


      Last edit: Neil Hodgson 2015-09-14
  • Alexandre Laroche

    Powershell ISE correctly display the line mentionned.

    Github also display the line correctly. (see here:

    I really think the problem is in the scintilla powershell lexer.
    I think the problem is just here : if($matches[1].trim('"') -eq $computer)
    I think scintilla don't parse ' " ' correctly.


    Last edit: Alexandre Laroche 2015-09-14
  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson - 2015-09-14

    Its unclear what the allowed syntax of strings is since the referenced document does not appear to allow the example. If there is a more accurate grammar for PowerShell then a link should be included on this bug report.

    I will not be working on this issue myself. A well-written patch that fixes this issue will be accepted.

    • Colomban Wendling

      Its unclear what the allowed syntax of strings is since the referenced document does not appear to allow the example. If there is a more accurate grammar for PowerShell then a link should be included on this bug report.

      The linked document doesn't seem really trustworthy as it wouldn't even allow for e.g. escape sequences in double-quoted strings, which seem to be referenced everywhere on the web ("" or `", which should stand for ").

      Not sure how trusted it can be, but these contain some information supporting the report:

      It's not as clear as it should be, but at least it references escapes and placeholders.


      Last edit: Colomban Wendling 2015-09-15
  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson - 2015-09-14
    • labels: scintilla, lexer --> scintilla, lexer, powershell
    • Priority: 5 --> 4
  • Zufu Liu

    Zufu Liu - 2023-04-24
    • summary: Powershell Lexer --> Powershell lexer $() sub-expression expansion
  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson - 2023-04-24
    • labels: scintilla, lexer, powershell --> scintilla, lexer, powershell, lexilla

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