
#78 game list in board panel does not work



not sure this is a bug or my problem. I am in Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit system, gnome classic, with scidb r1000.

This is what I have done:

  • Opened a pgn of 10 games;
  • Switched to board panel;
  • Enlarged (with the mouse) the board, till the maximum size. As a consequence, the game list below the board become "scrollable" (I mean it shows only game 1-8, 9th and 10th are in the hided part of the list).
  • Tried to "scroll" (navigate with mouse, i mean) the game list said above. But this fail.

I do not get any error message, simply I try to show games 9th and 10th but as soon I release the mouse the game list came back to the top.

Sorry I cannot explain the problem better than this.


  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2014-03-12

    How do you scroll, with the use of the scrollbar (left mouse button) or with scroll wheel?

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2014-03-12
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Gregor Cramer
  • Cecchino

    Cecchino - 2014-03-12

    I tried with mouse wheel and by clicking on the down-arrow that appears on the right of the game scroll-list. None worked.

    I am now trying after shutdown my system for a couple of hours. This is what I have done now:

    • Open the previous pgn (I added a lot of comment in the last session).
    • Switch to the board panel and resize it with the mouse
    • Try the scrolling works

    • Open a different database

    • Switch to the board panel
    • Do some casual resizing of the panel with the mouse
    • Try the scrolling does not work :(
    • Switch to the first database and...the scrolling does not work anymore.

    So i can reproduce the problem but, let say, in a random way.

    I suspect is a problem of my gnome vs tk, but not sure of course.


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