

Menus (13)
scid470-tools-menu.png (137613 bytes)

SCID 4.7.0 Tools Menu

Analysis engine

Starts/stops the chess analysis engine, displaying the evaluation of the current position in the analysis window.

Analysis engine #2

Starts/stops a second analysis engine.

Start engine 1

Starts your chess engine defined by default. Pressing F2 also works.

Start engine 2

Starts your second chess engine. Pressing F3 also works.

Email manager

Opens/closes the email manager window, for managing email correspondence games.

Shortcut. Ctrl+Shift+E

Rel. Filter Graph


Abs. Filter Graph


Opening report

Generates an opening report for the current position.


Piece Tracker

Opens the [PieceTrackerWindow].


Book Tuning
Connect Hardware
Player Information
Player Report...
Rating Graph
Score Graph


Wiki: HowToExportGames
Wiki: Menus


  • Maurice

    Maurice - 2019-12-28

    Removed from the Tools Menu
    Options - now in the Main Menu
    Crosstable - now under Windows Menu
    Export current game - now under Options Menu
    Export all filter games - now under Database Menu
    Import file(s) of PGN.. - now under Database Menu
    Import Game - Only available by Ctrl+Shift+I
    NB. Help screen _must be closed

    Tools Menu 4.7.0

    Analysis Engine... Ctrl+Shift+A
    Displays the engine menu or closes a running engine

    Analysis Engine #2... Ctrl+Shift+2
    Displays the engine menu or closes a running engine

    Start Engine 1 F2
    Start Engine 2 F3

    Email Manager Ctrl+Shift+E
    Rel. Filter Graph Ctrl+Shift+G
    Abs. Filter Graph Ctrl+Shift+J
    Opening Report Ctrl+Shift+O
    Piece Tracker Ctrl+Shift+K
    Book Tuning
    Connect Hardware -> Configure
    Connect Input Engine
    Connect Novag Citrine

    Player Information -> White
    Player Report...
    Rating Graph
    Score Graph

  • bstp

    bstp - 2020-01-04

    Thanks. Added your image, and cleaned up the text. Will return to it when I finish the other menus.


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