

Menus (13)
SCID470-game-menu.png (114315 bytes)

SCID's Game Menu

New Game

Resets [TheActiveGame], discarding any unsaved changes.

Load First/Previous/Next/Last Game

These load the first, previous, next or last game in [TheFilter].

Note. The focus of the cursor needs to be in the [TheMainWindow] for the shortcut to work. If it fails, click on [TheMainWindow] once more.

Reload this game

Reloads [TheActiveGame] and discards any change made.

Load Game Number

Selects the game with the number specified from [TheActiveDatabase] and loads it as [TheActiveGame].

Save: Replace game

Saves [TheActiveGame], replacing its original version in [TheActiveDatabase].

Save: Add new game

Saves [TheActiveGame] as a new game, appending to the end of [TheActiveDatabase].

Identify opening

Finds the deepest position in [TheActiveGame] that is in [TheEcoFile].

Goto move number

Goes to the specified move number in [TheActiveGame].

Find novelty

Finds the first move of [TheActiveGame] that has not been played before.


Wiki: Menus
Wiki: TheActiveDatabase
Wiki: TheActiveGame
Wiki: TheEcoFile
Wiki: TheFilter
Wiki: TheMainWindow


  • Maurice

    Maurice - 2019-12-26

    Load Game Number ... no longer appears to exist in 4.7.0

  • Maurice

    Maurice - 2019-12-26

    Export Current Game has been added to the Game Menu in 4.7.0

  • Maurice

    Maurice - 2019-12-29

    TheGameMenu - not many changes. Added load random game and keyboard shortcuts.

    Load Game Number No longer exists

    New Game Ctrl+N
    Resets [TheActiveGame], discarding any unsaved changes.

    Reload the Current game
    Reloads [TheActiveGame] and discards any change made.

    Load First Game Ctrl+Shift+Up
    Load Previous Game Ctrl+Up
    Load Next Game Ctrl+Down
    Load Last Game Ctrl+Shift+Down
    Load Random Game Ctrl+?
    These load the first, previous, next,last or a random game in [TheFilter].

    Save: Replace game Ctrl+S
    Saves [TheActiveGame], replacing its original version in [TheActiveDatabase].
    In other words it updates any changes made, such as comments or replaces with an entirely new game.

    Save: Add new game Ctrl+Shift+S
    Saves [TheActiveGame] as a new game, appending to the end of [TheActiveDatabase].

    Identify opening Ctrl+Shift+D
    Finds the deepest position in [TheActiveGame] that is in [TheEcoFile].
    N.B. The Options-Load ECO file.. must be set.

    Goto move number Ctrl+U
    Goes to the specified move number in [TheActiveGame].

    Find novelty Ctrl+Shift+Y
    Finds the first move of [TheActiveGame] that has not been played before.



    Wiki: TheActiveDatabase
    Wiki: TheActiveGame
    Wiki: TheEcoFile
    Wiki: TheFilter

    • bstp

      bstp - 2020-01-05

      Screenshot added. I also added your name to the [Colophon]. Thanks, Maurice!

      Will review the changes tomorrow. If you could take a [TheOptionsMenu], it needs some love.



      Wiki: TheOptionsMenu

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