
#26 Import all pgn files in a directory



I suggest that in order to add new games into an existing SCID database, it could be very usefull to make this putting many pgn files in a directory and upload all these in one shot. For example I usually use to download games from TWIC and put them in a directory so ... this new feature could be a very usefull way to make this.
This feature is avalaible in ChessDB but not in SCID, so also if I agree that SCID have many improvement in interface and feature over ChessDB, this lack stopped me to move to SCID until now! :-(

Thanks for your attention. Andy


Feature Requests: #26


  • Fulvio

    Fulvio - 2013-05-31
    • status: open --> closed
  • Andrea

    Andrea - 2013-05-31

    Hai ragione, dopo aver postato la richiesta ho riprovato la funzione e scoperto che potevi selezionare i files pgn da importare con il classico control o shift di windows. Non era detto chiaramente ma bastava provare! :-D Sono stato superficiale lo ammetto! :-( Ma pedonate mi perchè sono ormai passato a SCID! ;-)

    Resta il fatto che l'opzione di upload di tutti i file in una cartella selezionando solo la cartella da cui prelevarli è una funzione semplice da realizzare che resta utile, ma certamente non indispensabile ... basta selezionarli tutti. Tra l'altro la gestione degli errori in import è importante perchè il vecchio ChessDB su questo fa un gran casino!

    Per me va bene anche cosi ... complimenti per il buon lavoro che avete svolto finora!


    Subject: [scid:feature-requests] #26 Import all pgn files in a directory
    Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 08:19:11 +0000

    Updated english and italian translations to make clearer the possibility of importing multiple pgn files.

    [feature-requests:#26] Import all pgn files in a directory

    Status: closed

    Labels: Import all pgn files in a directory

    Created: Tue May 28, 2013 03:30 PM UTC by Andrea

    Last Updated: Tue May 28, 2013 03:30 PM UTC

    Owner: nobody


    I suggest that in order to add new games into an existing SCID database, it could be very usefull to make this putting many pgn files in a directory and upload all these in one shot. For example I usually use to download games from TWIC and put them in a directory so ... this new feature could be a very usefull way to make this.

    This feature is avalaible in ChessDB but not in SCID, so also if I agree that SCID have many improvement in interface and feature over ChessDB, this lack stopped me to move to SCID until now! :-(

    Thanks for your attention. Andy

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    Feature Requests: #26

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