
#13 Ingres Support

Next Release

Would it be possiable to get db support for Ingres in
the near future. I believe there to be an open source
jdbc connector of sorts. That said Ingres is strange
in the way it handles Dates and a couple of other
things. I believe they have another layer between the
jdbc. Anyways I'd be willing to put up a couple of
dollars to get the work done. I tested the program for
the first time today and managed to create some awesome
results on the mysql stuff I have. I've got to create
an ERD shortly and a Data Dictionary for 1865 Tables on
a IngresDB (r2.5 Patch 73?) and this would help out ohh
so Much!.



  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-03-23

    Logged In: YES

    The tool that I'm using to graph the relationships
    (Graphviz's dot) seems to choke at about 400-500 tables, so
    SchemaSpy won't be able to give you the 'big picture' view
    of your relationships. Even if it could, the image would be
    so massive that it wouldn't be useable/unreadable. You'll
    still be able to see the details of the individual table
    relationships as long as you don't have some insane number
    of tables all referencing one column (dot seems to blow up
    at around 220 tables referencing one table).

    Do you know the details of the Ingres JDBC driver? It's
    simple to configure once the driver class and connection
    spec are known. You, of course, would have to test it since
    I don't have an Ingres database.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I can point to links for the information. I understand what
    needs to be done just not sure how to do it. Java is foreign
    and so is jdbc when it comes to ingres. I can however work
    with your software. I've managed to fix some font issues in
    Ubuntu and get grafviz working enuf to draw the relationship
    (erd) of the one innodb table I'm using on a mysql db.


    have lots of info on it. I just can not find a
    ca.edbc.jdbc.EdbcDriver file to use and well not sure I
    would know how to get schemaspy to use it anyways.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-04-03

    Logged In: YES

    I can't access the CA stuff without being their customer.

    You'll need to create an file
    ( out of the .jar would probably be a decent
    starting point). It'll need:


    connectionSpec needs to be set to something like:

    but I have no idea what server_class is (nor if it's
    actually required). If you google for
    ca.edbc.jdbc.EdbcDriver you'll hopefully find some hits that
    match the database configuration that you've got.

    Once you've got it working please post the results so I can
    include them in SchemaSpy.


  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-04-03
    • assigned_to: nobody --> johncurrier
  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-05-08
    • status: open --> pending
  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-05-08
    • status: pending --> open
  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-06-10

    Logged In: YES

    Did you ever find the EdbcDriver? It'll usually be in a
    .zip or .jar (leave it there). You'll need to use -cp to
    point to the .jar(s) or .zip(s) that contain the file named


  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2008-09-23

    Tagged as 'pending' due to inactivity / lack of response.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2008-09-23
    • status: open --> pending
  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending --> closed
  • Todamok

    Todamok - 2016-12-01

    Hi, I'd like to revive a discussion on Ingres support.
    I have two Ingres server connections for testing:
    1. one via native JDBC driver from Actian (owner of Ingres) -
    2. another via JDBC-ODBC bridge -



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