
Error: failed with return code -1073741571

  • Alejandro Falcone

    Hi all,

    I’m using Windows 2000 Server (SP4), Oracle 10g Release 1 (10.1) for Windows and SchemaSpy 2.0.0

    I receive some error messages of the dot.exe (popup windows with unknown software exception (0x00000fd)).

    In the cmd window where is running I see:

    Writing/graphing summary$DotFailure: 'dot -Tpng G:\SchemaSpy\graphs\summary\ -oG:\SchemaSpy\graphs\summary\relationships.real.large.png'
    failed with return code -1073741571.....(185sec)

    Writing/graphing results................................... net.sourceforge.schemaspy.util.Dot$DotFailure: 'dot -Tpng G:\SchemaSpy\graphs\ -oG:\SchemaSpy\graphs\C_CAMPAIGN.implied2degrees.png'
    failed with return code -1073741571$DotFailure: 'dot -Tpng G:\SchemaSpy\graphs\C_BPARTNER.implied -oG:\SchemaSpy\graphs\C_BPARTNER.implied2degrees.png'
    failed with return code -1073741571$DotFailure: 'dot -Tpng G:\SchemaSpy\graphs\ -oG:\SchemaSpy\graphs\M_PRODUCT.implied 2degrees.png'
    failed with return code -1073741571

    ...And some more..

    This error only is for some tables (for those tables not graphics are generated), for others work fine and the graphics is generated.

    Someone can help me with this problem?

    Thanks a lot


    • Alejandro Falcone

      Sorry, I forgot to indicate that I'm using graphviz-2.6


      • John Currier

        John Currier - 2005-11-22

        See if the development snapshot version of Graphviz fixes your problem (  There was a bug in dot 2.6 that gave issues similar to what you're seeing.  It was fixed in September, but hasn't made it into the official release yet.

        If that doesn't fix your problem then open a SchemaSpy bug and attach (not paste) the offending .dot and I'll try to track down the problem for you with the Graphviz people.


    • Alejandro Falcone

      Hi John,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I will try with the version 2.7 of Graphviz to see if the problem is resolved. 



    • kyiannis

      kyiannis - 2006-03-10

      I am using SchemSpy 2.1.2 with GraphViz v2.8 on Windows 2000 and also get the same error on some graphs:
      Writing/graphing summary....Failed to create relationships page:
      net.sourceforge.schemaspy.util.Dot$DotFailure: 'dot -Tpng I:\test\schemaspy\graphs\summary\ -oI:\test\schemaspy\graphs\summary\relationships.real.compact.png' failed with
      return code -1073741571

    • John Currier

      John Currier - 2006-03-10

      Your scenario is interesting because it evidently failed in 24 seconds.  That implies a relatively small set of tables.  Can you attach your file here?:


    • kyiannis

      kyiannis - 2006-03-11

      Hi John,
      It seems that i can not attach a file in an existing bug report. Should i submit a new one?
      As for the size of the dot file, it is 573ΚΒ.
      I received the same error with all dot files above 250KB.

      • John Currier

        John Currier - 2006-03-12

        I don't know why it won't let you attach it to that bug report.  Does it give you any indication as to why?  Maybe it's too big?  (try zipping it)?


        • John Currier

          John Currier - 2006-03-15

          Okay, after just attaching a file I can understand why it wouldn't let you do it.  There's a little check box next to the attachment stuff.  You've got to click that check box or it ignores what you put in the fields.  Not very user friendly.



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