
#101 scaffold tree view: option to toggle structure depiction for image export


Sometimes one would like to export/depict only the nodes (nodes with background color) instead of tiny structures. Furthermore, it would be nice to remove the selection of the start node (blue border).


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  • Nils Kriege

    Nils Kriege - 2016-11-23
    • assigned_to: Philipp Mewes
  • Nils Kriege

    Nils Kriege - 2016-11-23

    A checkbox "Semantic zoom" should be added to the export dialog.

  • Philipp Mewes

    Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-02
    • status: open --> in-progress
  • Philipp Mewes

    Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-08

    Since we are we are working on the export dialog, i'd like to propose a few layout changes (see attachment). There is another thing with the localization: If the language is set to English the left checkbox is labeled with: "Export whole graph", with German set, it is "Vollständigen Baum exportieren". It might be more consistent, if it is set to "Vollständigen Graph exportieren" This would not only match with the English localization, but also would be more suitable for some views, which use the same dialog, but do not display any kind of tree.

  • Philipp Mewes

    Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-09

    Finally i applied some further modifications. First i set a border to separate the options from the file-chooser above. Also a separator was added between the size-options and the view-options, essentially to point out that the lock button belongs to the spinners on the left, but also to delimit this options.

  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-09

    The dialog layout looks fine. Does it scale with the dialog size? The current one does not and even worse: it is cut off when the dialog gets to small (in such case we should set a minimal dialog size).

    Some smaller changes:

    • "Exportoptions" -> "Export Options"
    • "Show nodedetails (zoomdependant)" -> "Show Molecule/Scaffold Structure (Dependents on Zoon)" // notice the "e" in dependent!
    • Philipp Mewes

      Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-13

      Yes it scales with the dialog size, but if the dialog is to small, the components are compressed or disappear completely. To prevent this behaviour, i also added a line of code, that sets the minimum-size of the dialog to the preferred size calculated by pack().

  • Nils Kriege

    Nils Kriege - 2016-12-12

    I think the idea of the option to enable/disable the semantic zoom is to make this independent of the zoom. Therefore I would propose to just use the label "Show Molecule/Scaffold Structure".

    • Till Schäfer

      Till Schäfer - 2016-12-12

      you are right, that sounds more sane than depending on the screen zoom, when actually printing something.

    • Lina Humbeck

      Lina Humbeck - 2016-12-12

      Right that was our intention. This is also helpful if the user doesn't want or isn't allowed to show the exact structures.

  • Karsten Klein

    Karsten Klein - 2016-12-14

    Is that structure hiding only for export or is it of interest to fix the semantix zoom level for the views, too?

    • Till Schäfer

      Till Schäfer - 2016-12-14

      this bug is just about the export

  • Philipp Mewes

    Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-15
    • status: in-progress --> needs-review
  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-15
    • labels: --> scaffold tree view
    • status: needs-review --> re-opened
  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-15

    The dialog looks fine so far. However, i have re-opened this bug because:

    • There is a small issue remaining with the export itself. The attached screenshot shows an export with no structures shown. As you can see, the nodes filled with a background color have a different shape.
    • We should add a default action to the dialog (i.e., hitting enter should press OK)

    I have furthermore found another bug for custom export ratios, but this no regression of this work. Therefore, i would handle it seperately.


    Last edit: Till Schäfer 2016-12-15
  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-15

    I guess the shape is different wrt the semantic zoom. In order to allow the squared svg image to be placed inside the shape the corners are more angular. When the semnatic zoom kicks in the shape is less angular. We should use the less angular version for the export with no structures.


    Last edit: Till Schäfer 2016-12-15
  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-15

    One more bug:

    • The option do show/hide the scaffold/molecule structure is now available for all views with image export, but only functional for the scaffold tree view. We should therefore add a boolean parameter to the constructor of the dialog, such that the option is only visible for views that actually implement that feature (this bug only covers the scaffold tree view / for other views we shouild open another feature request if the feature is desired).
  • Philipp Mewes

    Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-16

    The changes are applied now. Just a few lines of code had to be modified.

    See the following commits for details:



    Commit: [34727d]
    Commit: [5b00b7]
    Commit: [7e7755]

  • Philipp Mewes

    Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-16
    • status: re-opened --> needs-review
  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-16

    two more things:

    • the box "Show Molecule/Scaffold Structure" should be enabled by default
    • if the dialog is resized vertically, empty space is aded below. We should resize the FIles and Folders part instead. (see screenshot)
  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-16
    • status: needs-review --> re-opened
  • Philipp Mewes

    Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-20

    [9ba08e] fixes the first thing. Also added some small improvements.
    [5fe2cc] fixes the second. Removed the old (outcommented) layout-code too.



    Commit: [5fe2cc]
    Commit: [9ba08e]

  • Philipp Mewes

    Philipp Mewes - 2016-12-20
    • status: re-opened --> needs-review
  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-20

    The dialog currently does not work for the treemap and the cloud view. In this views clicking OK does result in a NPE (see attachment).

  • Till Schäfer

    Till Schäfer - 2016-12-20
    • status: needs-review --> re-opened
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