Ben G. Han - 2016-08-14

To be honest it's a long time I haven't compiled sc68 for Audacious I usually disable all plugins and compile them separattely when needed.

The plugin was developped for audacious-3.5. Unfortunatly Audacious have an habit of breaking its API from one release to the next. May be the configure script should be more conservative when it checks for the presence of audacious on the system.

In that precise case it seems the audacious header <audstrings.h> includes <initializer_list> a C++ standard header. So it seems since 3.6 audacious team has decided to go full C++ mode.
The sc68 plugin is built with a good'ol C compiler. Still it's probably not the only error that would occur.

Ultimatly the solution would be to update the plugin code for the new API but I'm not sure when I'll have some time to do that.

Thank you for the report.