
scWiki / News: Recent posts

Work starts again

I've started adding a few more essential features, in the hopes that WiSci (don't ask if you don't know what it is) will use scWiki for its wiki software.


Posted by Anonymous 2005-12-08

scWiki Beta 2 Released

Beta 2 has been released.

If I find no bugs, the final will be out in a few more days. If I do find bugs, there's no telling when it will be out. There would probably be a RC or two if there were major bugs.
The installer will come on the final release, I hope.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-10-01

scWiki 1.0 Beta 1 Released!

Version 1.0 Beta of scWiki has been released. It is essentially feature complete at this point in time, except for the installer (will provide DB dump at later time, if necessary).

Please feel free to test it at and report any bugs to the tracker.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-09-25

scWiki Nearing Completion

scWiki is nearing v1.0 release. The only thing stopping us is the Administration Control Panel (specifically the groups system) but a rough estimate says we may be done entirely in a week or two.

Bugtesting, however, may take longer. I hope there aren't too many bugs, so I can move on to 1.2. 1.2 would be the first "highly functional" release, including user preferences, a completed themes system (link to custom stylesheet maybe), and more. AJAX would be especially nice, for a "Quick Edit" feature or something.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-09-17

CVS up and running

I've finally managed to get CVS working for us. Developers or whoever is working on it, update before you code, and then commit once you're done.
I hope this will help us integrate our code and make development easier.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-08-05

We've been Sourceforgified

scWiki has been finally placed on sourceforge after a while of me only getting help on IRC. I hope you like the project.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-08-04