
#86 Promoters

new term (59)
Chris Myers

I would like to be able to indicate that a modifier is a promoter in a composite reaction for genetic production.

participant role -> modifier -> stimulator -> promoter

I would also like to be able to indicate that this species represents a promoter.

physical entity representation -> functional entity -> unit of genetic information -> gene regulatory region -> promoter

Not sure if you are allowed the same term in different places in the hierarchy. If not, then perhaps the second one could be "gene promoter".


  • Chris Myers

    Chris Myers - 2012-04-24

    Since only material entities can be used to annotation species, then what I actually need is:

    physical entity representation -> material entity -> informational molecule segment -> promoter

  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2012-06-29

    One thing we need to do a bit better is separate the effects at the gene and protein level. When you say promoter, do you mean a promoter in the sense of a stretch of DNA to which various factors can bind to regulate gene expression?

    a) For participant role we suggest the following:
    SBO:0000003 - participant role
    |---SBO:0000019 - modifier
    |---NEW TERM - promoter
    |---|---SBO:0000020 - inhibitor
    |---|---|---SBO:0000206 - competitive inhibitor / SBO:0000207 - non-competitive inhibitor
    |---|---NEW TERM silencer
    |---|---SBO:0000459 - stimulator
    |---|---|---SBO:0000013 - catalyst / SBO:0000461 - essential activator ...
    |---|---NEW TERM enhancer

    b) For the material entity that you need for annotation, perhaps a term 'transcription factor complex' may be more appropriate. This could fit under 'SBO:0000296 - macromolecular complex'.

    For both of these, it may be useful to have a more specific example...


  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2012-06-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> njuty
  • Chris Myers

    Chris Myers - 2012-06-30

    For promoter, I do mean location for binding of RNAP. Transcription factors can also bind to enhance or repress.

    I do not mean it to be a complex. It is only the unbound form so I prefer it not under macromolecule complex rather informational molecule as it represents a segment of DNA.

  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2012-09-03

    The participant role terms are covered in SF #3503716 (regulator request by CM).
    For the material entity, I have created the term: 'SBO:0000590 - promoter binding region'

    Thanks for the contribution!


  • Nick Juty

    Nick Juty - 2012-09-03
    • status: open --> closed


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