
#21 Modeler: QualifiersList.txt causes unexpected qualifiers


Currently, the QualifiersList.txt file when ECUTE is freshly installed contains the qualifiers from a certain (old?) release of the CIM Schema, plus some IBM defined additional qualifiers.

It seems that the only purpose of that file is to define the initially declared qualifiers,i.e. before any MOF is imported into a new model. (Note: The actually defined qualifiers on a model are storeed within the model in a constraint named "QualifiersList").

If that is really the only purpose, then all it does is to prime the set of qualifiers with the list specified in the file. That is not good, because we never know which release of a CIM Schema someone imports, and every CIM Schema release defines a different set of qualifiers. So any list of initial qualifiers might be wrong relative to the intention of a particular model. Also, ECUTE is perfectly able to parse the qualifier declarations it encounters in MOF, so the only requirement on an imported model is to define its qualifiers first.

Assuming this is the only purpose, I suggest the following changes:

1. Short term, empty the file before an ECUTE package is built (i.e. remove all qualifier declarations but leave the comment header lines in), and document in the User's Guide that this file should be manually emptied if a smaller set of CIM qualifiers is expected than bewfore, in a model being imported. We should also document that RSA needs to be closed in order to trigger a reload of the file (I believe). Furthermore, we should document the requirement that a qualifier declaration needs to appear in the stream of imported MOF before any usage is made of the qualifier.

2. The real solution is to get rid of this file completely. We still need to document the requirement that a qualifier declaration needs to appear in the stream of imported MOF before any usage is made of the qualifier.


  • Andreas Maier

    Andreas Maier - 2007-11-06
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Andreas Maier

    Andreas Maier - 2007-11-06
    • summary: ecute uml: QualifiersList.txt causes unexpected qualifiers --> Modeler: QualifiersList.txt causes unexpected qualifiers
  • Chris Buccella

    Chris Buccella - 2008-01-15
    • assigned_to: nobody --> waiki
  • Chris Buccella

    Chris Buccella - 2008-02-12
    • labels: 727327 -->
    • milestone: 484243 -->
  • Andreas Maier

    Andreas Maier - 2008-04-11
    • labels: --> ECUTE Modeler V2

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