
#51 CMPI-BASE: Indication Provider delivers only first occurence

Provider (226)

The check() function of
cmpiOSBase_OperatingSystemProvider.c to monitor the OS
OperationalStatus does not behave as expected by the
indication_helper library. The inidcation_helper
library expects, that the value of the
OperationalStatus is returned by the check() function -
based on this expectation, the indication_helper lib
delivers an indication, each time, the current value
compared to the previous value has changed. The check()
function instead indicates by 0 that nothing has
happened and 1 that an indication should be thrown.
This leads to the problem, that with the current
implementation of the check() function, only the first
indication is delivered.


  • Heidi Eckhart

    Heidi Eckhart - 2005-04-14
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Viktor Mihajlovski

    • assigned_to: heidineu --> konradrzeszutek
    • status: closed-fixed --> open
  • Viktor Mihajlovski

    Logged In: YES

    I reopen this as I am not yet fully understanding whether
    this is the right way to handle. Can somebody (Heidi,
    Konrad) explain what happens, if we have multiple properties
    that can contribute to an indication? Do we have to register
    one check function per property? If yes, what is the impact
    to performance? Is the number of delivered indications what
    one would expect? If no, what value would the check function
    BTW: I have assigned Konrad in order to make him aware of this.

  • Konrad Rzeszutek

    Logged In: YES

    This a bit complex issue and from talking to Heidi I think
    we came to an agreement. I will provide a summary and Heidi,
    please comment if I missed something or misunderstood.

    1). Konrad will document how the "monitor" functions are
    " The polling function (defined as the <li>check</li) will
    be pulled based on the timer specified. The value passed in
    to the parameter will be checked against the previous value
    that was returned earlier. If there is a change, the library
    will immediately call all of the property functions, create
    an instance and attempt to deliever it (if the evaluation of
    the instance against the indication filter is true).

    This detection mechanism is also comonly called 'edge level
    detection' or 'trigger detection'. It means that the CIM
    Listener will not be bombarded with indications but only
    when state changes.

    For example, if the monitor function was passing these
    values through its parameter:
    0, 1,1,1,0,

    There would only be two indications sent (of course, pending
    the evaluation agains the indication filter).

    Caveat: On the first call to the monitor function, the
    previous state is not known. The library considers this
    first call as the seed call and does not deliever the
    instance. Please make sure to structure your code
    accordingly and have a check for the first call.

    Note: The function prototype for the monitor function is the
    same as for retrieving the property values. This means you
    can use the same function for both purposes. For example,
    assume you have a property named 'OperationStatus' that
    returns two values: 2 (OK) or 4 (Stressed). The value of
    this property could be the driver for triggering the
    indication. Thus you could do this:

    ind_reg_pollfnc("CIM_ModifyInstance", "OperationalStatus",
    check_os, 10);

    2). Heidi will re-strucutre her provider to use the above
    mentioned logic instead of relaying on having the value
    checked against 0.

  • Viktor Mihajlovski

    Logged In: YES

    I have verified that it works with Pegasus 2.5 with
    fixed and sblim-cmpi-base 1.5.2.

  • Viktor Mihajlovski

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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