Jon Rutherford - 2007-08-25

Sbackup was working fine as a cron job, and also manually.  The last time a successful cron job took place was Aug 2.  Since Aug 3 nothing was being backed up.  I discovered I could still get successful backups if I entered as root "/usr/sbin/sbackupd" on the command line.  I received a mail message every day at noon after Aug 2, that another Simple Backup daemon was already running, and the process was exiting. 

I've tried manually removing the task from root's crontab (where I had to put it manually to test this, not inspiring much confidence that it had anything to do with the problem).  Specifying a time to run in the GUI leads to the message, at the time specified, that "another Simple Backup daemon is already running; exiting."  I can find nothing that resembles a sbackup daemon via ps ax.  I've tried eliminating hald from running processes and it makes no difference.  I tried eliminating dbus and it made no difference.  (These were clues I picked up on Ubuntu forum thread about sbackup not working.)

I can still back up OK if I remember to do it manually, but it was nice having it done every day automatically at noon, as specified when I set up via the GUI.  I have not updated the kernel or any other part of the OS as far as I know, between Aug 2 and Aug 3, the time that it mysteriously quit working automatically -- or any time since, for that matter.

I didn't see this particular problem in these help threads, so am posting this.  Apologies if I overlooked something.