
How to navigate from "no context" errors

  • allenButturini

    allenButturini - 2004-12-15

    I have a member set that needs to be tokenized and then navigated. I have tried analyze-string and tokenize methods but am unable to navigate from the point of tokenization due to "no context" error in both cases.

    If I can't navigate and also can't save the variable format individual tokens to a persistent structure and then retrieve, how do I solve this problem?

    • Michael Kay

      Michael Kay - 2004-12-15

      Try assigning a variable to the relevant node before tokenizing its value. You can then navigate from the contents of this variable:

      <xsl:variable name="x" select="."/>
      <xsl:for-each select="tokenize(.)">
      <xsl:if test="$x/a/b/c/d = ..."

      Michael Kay

    • allenButturini

      allenButturini - 2004-12-15

      Thanks Mike. That is the solution. I've used the SaxonB processor for a month or so and it works beautifully.

      We are generating large Deployment and Configuration XML files from model descriptions exported to XML. The processor is used for transforms.