
Creating text-file and TextWriterDestination

  • Andreas Rumsch

    Andreas Rumsch - 2009-01-07


    I started working with Saxon-B ( and try to migrate my code that used the System.Xml namespace in .NET.

    Now I've a problem when transforming with a xslt that has the xsl:out method="text":

    I use a TextWriterDestination with a XmlWriter:

    XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(filename);
    XmlDestination serializer = new TextWriterDestination(xmlWriter);

    The last line gives the error, that the resulting document would not result in a well formed Xml (of course, it's a plain text).

    In old code I initialized the XmlWriter this way:

    xsltTransformer = new XslCompiledTransform(false);
    XsltSettings settings = new XsltSettings(true, true);
    xsltTransformer.Load(xsltStream, settings, new XmlUrlResolver());
    XmlWriter.Create(filename, xsltTransformer.OutputSettings);

    So I took the OutputSettings from the XslCompiledTransform.

    How can I do this with Saxon?


    • Andreas Rumsch

      Andreas Rumsch - 2009-01-09

      Thank you. That helped me a lot. And it was rather easy to get the information and transfer it to a Setting-object.

    • Michael Kay

      Michael Kay - 2009-01-07

      You can't do this very easily using the Saxon .NET API, but I think you can discover the output properties of the stylesheet if you dig deep enough: the Implementation property of the XsltTransformer gives you a net.sf.saxon.Controller, and this has a method getOutputProperties which returns a Properties object whose getProperty() method will return the relevant property.