
SAX: Simple API for XML / News: Recent posts

SAX 2.0.2 (sax2r3) prerelease 2

A second SAX 2.0.2 prerelease is now available on the files page.

Posted by David Megginson 2004-04-26

SAX 2.0.2 (SAX2r3) prerelease 1

Please look over the prerelease for issues.

Posted by David Megginson 2004-04-22

SAX 2.0.1 released!

The SAX2pre series is now done, and SAX 2.0.1
is now out! Download and install it today.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-01-29

SAX2 r2 prerelease 3

There's a new pre-release of the SAX2 update
release, now available for download; see the
web site ( for more
info. I suspect this will turn into the final
"SAX2 r2" release.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-11-21

SAX2 r2 Prerelease 2

There's a new pre-release of the SAX2 update
release, now available for download; see the
web site ( for more
info. This release doesn't involve any API
changes, just bugfixes. A lot of it was doc

Posted by Anonymous 2001-10-17

SAX Website updated

The SAX website at SourceForge,,
has been substantially updated.

This contains updated documentation
as well as archives for the historic
releases of SAX, notably 1.0, 2.0,
and the first sax2r2 pre-release.

CVS has a lot of bugfixes; an update
release is coming soon.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-10-15

SAX Distribution Files

All of the SAX1 and SAX2 distribution zipfiles can now be downloaded from SourceForge.

The SAX2 r2 pre-release 1 zipfile (28-December-2000) is also available, though when the r2 release comes out (from CVS here at SourceForge) pre-releases will be hidden.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-09-23

SAX moves to SourceForge.

The SAX project is moving to SourceForge to provide a better infrastructure for bug tracking and CVS.

Posted by David Megginson 2001-06-18