tigerharry - 2007-09-25

great work this version!
Eugene I realized that this new version does get the <user> passed from spamc.
But it seems not to be able to find the users directory:

Tue Sep 25 10:30:26 2007 [-2800] info: spamd: connection from localhost [] at port 3945
Tue Sep 25 10:30:26 2007 [-2800] info: spamd: handle_user unable to find user: 'binkle'
Tue Sep 25 10:30:26 2007 [3880] info: prefork: child states: IIBII
Tue Sep 25 10:30:26 2007 [-2800] info: spamd: processing message <20070925080922.636B67866F@ds217-115-141-101.dedicated.hosteurope.de> for binkle:0
Tue Sep 25 10:30:34 2007 [-2800] info: spamd: clean message (3.4/6.3) for binkle:0 in 7.3 seconds, 16233 bytes.

It would be great if spamd running as system service could use user_prefs files from their profile.

When do you intent to work on this?
If you need a tester for this I may assist you. (I wrote a little spamc GUI for testing)

