Jeff State - 2022-01-07

Bumping this old one, because there are a couple like it already posted, so it doesn't need a new thread.

This thread's suggestions are almost exactly the same as the OP, Jedi Kalimero posted.

The difference is that resizing in the R-click Context Menu would simply have an expandable arrow for Resize under the SageThumbs heading:
1. User right-clicks on an image, hovers over SageThumbs and then hovers over Resize
2. Resize entry expands to display the most common resize commands
This prevents clouding the entries with more line items

The Resize entry's expanded commands would vary, based on filetype, but it'd have options like:
Reduce to 50% JPG (for selected JPGs)
Enlarge to 200% PNG (for a vector-based filetype selected)
Reduce to 25% JPG (JPGs)
Reduce to 50% GIF (PNG that needs file size cut)

Just like Jedi Kalimero mentioned, there can be an Options dialog, but I'd only see it exist directly above the SageThumbs Options entry.
That Options dialog then allows users to fine tune image pixel/percentage resizes, change any supported resample filters, compression levels, JPG "quality", etc.

All of the other commands create a resized image copy on-the-fly, alongside the source file, with a dynamic filename suffix like _sage50 or _sage200.

There are many uses for this Context Menu update, but I just stumbled upon another example, where a site had an upload image field. However, the max file size for uploads was extremely conservative. My photo to upload was still in its 48MP form, so I had to cut the file size's percentage. This could get done in two clicks with SageThumbs' Context Menu.

I hope that's thorough enough ;) Let me know if anything needs clarification.
Thanks for all of your hard ongoing work on this program. I've donated, as I'd hope all users have considered, and use SageThumbs on all of my computers.
