
#179 JEPG Previews Missing after SageThumbs Install

Hello SourceForge/SageThumbs Support and Community,

I recently installed SageThumbs on Windows 10 to view Photoshop files somewhat like you would on a Mac. As far as the Photoshop files go, everything works great. But now my JPEG files no longer preview, as shown in on the left of the screenshot. Explorer just shows the white page icon.

I installed GhostScript, as suggested from this link: , but that did not make a difference. My screenshot also shows my SageThumbs settings. I assume that something with SageThumbs is screwing up the missing JPEG previews, because they flash on for a second, and then all revert to the blank white page icons. Is there something that I can do, whether through SageThumbs settings or Windows settings, to keep the JPEG previews?

1 Attachments


  • Dean Rettig

    Dean Rettig - 2022-06-16

    I am having the same issue. Windows 10. All E0 JPGs plus E1 jpgs missing EXIF data show as white paper.

    Is it trying to load JPG thumbnail from the EXIF data then crashes if none is found?

  • raspopov

    raspopov - 2022-06-17

    Can you upload here a such problem JPEG file?

  • Toriatama

    Toriatama - 2024-05-05

    Same issue here.
    Only for small size icons (view in details), other icon sizes work correctly.


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