
Merging Classes on SAGAGIS

User Forum
  • Salih ÇELİK

    Salih ÇELİK - 2016-01-03

    I wonder about How can i merge classes after supervised classification ?
    I made classifications. But couldn't merge them. Is there any tool for that ?

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2016-01-04


    you do not tell us with which data representation you are working (grid, shapes or table), but maybe this is of some help:

    • grid: simply use the "Grid - Tools - Reclassify Grid Values" tool to set the class identifier of one class to another class

    • shapes/table: use the "Table - Calculus - Table Calculator (Shapes)" / "Table - Calculus - Table Calculator" tool to create a new attribute field with the class identifier of one class set to another class (using an ifelse() statement)


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