
Volume of water fills DEM

  • antonio cotroneo

    Hi all,
    I have calculated a volume of water obtained from Hydrologic Study. Now make it, I want show how this volume fills DEM of 1 meter of resolution and what level have to the low point of raster. It's possible do this in SAGA GIS?
    Thank you-

  • Olaf Conrad

    Olaf Conrad - 2017-08-24

    Hello Antonio,

    could you please clarify with a bit more details the type of procedure or calculation that you would like to apply to your data.


  • antonio cotroneo

    I have a volume of water that it's for example 50000 cubic meters. Now i want know how this volume will be distributed within in my DEM so i view what zones are interested of inondation and what no.
    I hope to be more clear.

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2017-08-31

    Hi Antoinio,

    unless you have a complete flat water level this would require a 2D hydraulic simulation. Such a tool is not available in SAGA. For a flat water level you can have a look at the Terrain Analysis > Hydrology > Lake Flood tool, although this requires another input than the amount of water in cubic meters.

    Best regards,

  • antonio cotroneo

    Thank you Volker, now try.
    Best regards-


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