
complex html5 content on a layer

  • kdowd

    kdowd - 2015-05-29


    Lets say we have some creative with lots of .js, styles, CSS3 animations and some HTML5 video tags/sources. All this plus tracking as well. Phew!

    It's a lot of code, so how do we go about getting that code onto a safeframe layer - most publishers only allow for a single layer to be open at any one time?

    Getting content onto a layer involves using a config object -

    That kind of set-up doesn't lend itself to complex content.

    What's the best approach for this scenario - iframe in the complex content and use postMessage for comms?


    Last edit: kdowd 2015-06-01
  • kdowd

    kdowd - 2015-05-31

    Maybe I can answer my own question - seems like div.innerText could be the way to go...

    The downside to this is that assets/.js inside a hidden div (display:none;) still download/execute on initial page load.


    Last edit: kdowd 2015-06-02

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