
safecopy / News: Recent posts

Safecopy is finally going stable

Safecopy in its current branch is more or less feature complete.
There has been a number of positive feedbacks during the last year.
It does what it's supposed to do in a reliable, and well tested fashion.
And thanks to the integrated test suite this can also be verified easily.

There have been no no reported bugs either during the last year.

I myself have been using it for quite a number of real life cases of data rescueing from quite a range of media, and so have others.
I think it can be recommend to any sys admin as a worthwhile data rescue solution - without hesitation.... read more

Posted by Eric Price 2010-09-19

safecopy 1.3: reliability ensurance with a test library

A test suite can not proof the absence of bugs. But it can proof the correct execution of a software under specific (but usually representative) conditions. For a data rescue tool this is paramount, especially when the complexity of the tool reaches a point where intuitive understanding of its functionality under any possible condition is no longer possible.

Unfortunately testing of software behaviour under the controlled conditions of occurring hardware failures is not really trivial.... read more

Posted by Eric Price 2009-05-20

safecopy 1.0 released

The safecopy data recovery tool has matured (after almost 4 years of idling) towards the 1.0 milestone, providing lots of features for safe, fast and convenient data recovery and fault management (marking of bad data in the target image, export of badblock lists, etc)

Posted by Eric Price 2009-02-05

safecopy has been created

yep, another new project - another tiny piece of open source to use and learn from - its a great world we live in, isnt it?

Posted by Eric Price 2005-06-10