
Port Forwarding on S60

  • zeeji

    zeeji - 2007-06-23

    Adding port forwarding to this would be incredible useful!. I have a E61 and this would be a killer app if we could portforward and use a the web browser.
    Any comments on how hard this would be to enable?

    • Brian Wyld

      Brian Wyld - 2007-08-14

      I'll second that request.

      I used a java app (sshforwarder here on source forge) on my S80 based 9500, which had a real JVM, but it doesn't work on S60 J2ME....and now I'm stuck with no port forwarding....


    • Filimon Georgiou

      I'll third that request :) .

      For ages I've been searching for a S60 ssh client supporting port forwarding. Apart from a specific proprietary solution, requiring custom server/client software that must cost quite a bit, nothing seems to be available.

      For me, the S60 version of Putty is the single most useful program I have on my E90 Communicator. Many other people I know also swear by it and we are eternally grateful to the author, Petteri :) .

      I can imagine that his time must be extremely limited and that there are already various issues to be resolved with certain program features.

      Adding port forwarding functionality, though, would be something indispensable for a lot of people. It would be something that is not available today to any non-commercial S60 implementation, to the best of my knowledge. It would enable phones to use applications that, because of operator / network restrictions bordering on the absurd, are unusable at the moment.

      Petteri, if you ever read this and you ever have the time to implement such a feature, I am more than willing to both donate and beta-test for you :) . In any case, Thank You for this great program !


    • Federico S.

      Federico S. - 2008-09-02

      Yes, I would pay for that feature

    • Federico S.

      Federico S. - 2008-09-04

      I tried <a href="">this</a> on my Nokia E70, but the installation fails. Anyone else could try it?

      • Brian Wyld

        Brian Wyld - 2008-09-04

        Sorry, but it won't work. It requires a 'real' java ie J2SE, not just the limited J2ME available of S60.

        I don't know of any J2SE for S60 phones (not even the E series ones).

        sshforwarder worked very nicely on S80 (eg 9500) which had a JRE1.3 J2SE available....


    • Brian Wyld

      Brian Wyld - 2008-09-04


      Sorry, wrong sshforwarding product. Ignore what I said...

    • Joerg Morbitzer

      Joerg Morbitzer - 2008-09-26

      Same with me ... and I rather donate an open source project than buying closed soure from somewhere...

      Port forwarding would be really nice! Anyway, thanks so far for the S60 version of putty, I use it every single day,

      kind regards,



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