
#152 TunerStudio: implement pages

Phase 0
Andrey B


  • Andrey B

    Andrey B - 2015-02-27

    From EFI Analytics, Inc:

    you just need set what you want for a page size then place page = x between the tune data chucks for the page size you chose.
    Also After putting the page support in you will need to adjust your memory
    addresses because TunerStudio uses the pageSizes defined at the top to start
    counting from and adds the pages together automatically so that each pages
    memory address will start at 0.

    endianness = big
    nPages = 6
    pageSize = 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024
    pageIdentifier = "\x00\x04", "\x00\x05", "\x00\x0a", "\x00\x08", "\x00\x09", "\x00\x0b"
    burnCommand = "b\x00\x04", "b\x00\x05", "b\x00\x0a", "b\x00\x08", "b\x00\x09", "b\x00\x0b"
    pageReadCommand = "r\x00\x04%2o%2c", "r\x00\x05%2o%2c", "r\x00\x0a%2o%2c", "r\x00\x08%2o%2c", "r\x00\x092o%2c", "r\x00\x0b%2o%2c"
    pageValueWrite = "w\x00\x04%2o%2c%v", "w\x00\x05%2o%2c%v ", "w\x00\x0a%2o%2c%v", "w\x00\x08%2o%2c%v", "w\x00\x09%2o%2c%v", "w\x00\x0b%2o%2c%v"

  • Andrey B

    Andrey B - 2015-02-28
    • status: open --> closed
  • Andrey B

    Andrey B - 2015-02-28
  • Andrey B

    Andrey B - 2015-02-28
    • status: closed --> open
  • Andrey B

    Andrey B - 2015-02-28

    Nevemind, it does not work - there is a fatal detect :( Rolling back #7182 & #7185

  • Andrey B

    Andrey B - 2015-03-05

    Actually now, pages do not work for me :( Now I remember that that's the way they were failing for me before and that's the reason why I've returned to one single page.

    Here's the issue:
    I create a project, everything is great, all pages are loaded, all tables from all pages display proper results, I can edit tables in all pages, I save project I close TS

    x00 x03 x50 x00 x00 x93 xFD xF7 xA2 ..P......
    x00 x07 x52 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x01 x5E x21 x17 x76 ..R......^..v
    x00 x03 x50 x01 x00 x8A xE6 xC6 xE3 ..P......
    x00 x07 x52 x01 x00 x00 x00 x00 x01 x95 x7D xC4 xD3 ..R.......}..
    x00 x03 x50 x02 x00 xA1 xCB x95 x20 ..P......
    x00 x07 x52 x02 x00 x00 x00 x00 x01 x13 xE9 xB6 x7D ..R.........}

    Now I open TS with existing project and things go south: TS loads controller and while doing it it always load page #1, but it looks like it was expecting to load all pages. So suddenly I have page #1 data in the all the other pages and that's not what I need.

    x00 x03 x50 x00 x00 x93 xFD xF7 xA2 ..P......
    x00 x07 x52 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x01 x5E x21 x17 x76 ..R......^..v
    (7 times - I have 7 pages)

    my .ini and some logs are available at

    I would not be surprised if that's some trivial issue with my .ini file, but I am totally at the end of my rope with this now :(

    messageEnvelopeFormat = msEnvelope_1.0

    endianness = little
    nPages = 7

    pageIdentifier = "\x00\x00", "\x01\x00", "\x02\x00", "\x03\x00", "\x04\x00", "\x05\x00", "\x06\x00"
    pageReadCommand = "R%2i%2o%2c", "R%2i%2o%2c", "R\x02\x00%2o%2c", "R\x03\x00%2o%2c", "R\x04\x00%2o%2c", "R\x05\x00%2o%2c", "R\x06\x00%2o%2c"
    burnCommand = "B%2i", "B%2i", "B\x02\x00", "B\x03\x00", "B\x04\x00", "B\x05\x00", "B\x06\x00"
    pageActivate = "P%2i", "P%2i", "P\x02\x00", "P\x03\x00", "P\x04\x00", "P\x05\x00", "P\x06\x00"
    pageValueWrite = "W%2i%2o%v", "W%2i%2o%v", "W\x02\x00%2o%v", "W\x03\x00%2o%v", "W\x04\x00%2o%v", "W\x05\x00%2o%v", "W\x06\x00%2o%v"
    pageChunkWrite = "C%2i%2o%2c%v", "C%2i%2o%2c%v", "C\x02\x00%2o%2c%v", "C\x03\x00%2o%2c%v", "C\x04\x00%2o%2c%v", "C\x05\x00%2o%2c%v", "C\x06\x00%2o%2c%v"

    pageActivationDelay = 50
    writeBlocks = on
    interWriteDelay = 10
    blockReadTimeout = 10000; Milliseconds general timeout

    blockingFactor = 256 ; max chunk size

    pageSize = 8248, 1152, 1152, 1152, 1152, 1152, 1152

    creating new project, initial load, everything is OK:

    opening existing project - requesting same page 7 times:


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