
Support is no longer available

It is with regret that I'm having to end active support for the OES project.

It anyone is willing to take over, please let me know.

Thanks for everyone's support over the last 10 years.


Posted by Peter B 2017-07-29
  • Robin K

    Robin K - 2017-07-29

    Any way you or someone could still give a working reference .csv file for the results upload functionality?

    Considering support and further development.. Perhaps the codebase should at least be moved to Github? I can do what I can in regards to this, but would recommend someone with better experience to do it..


    • Peter B

      Peter B - 2017-07-29


      I can send you the Excel VBA application that can be used to upload results automatically. Or you can read the documentation at:

      I hope the documentation covers all you need to know.


  • Robin K

    Robin K - 2017-07-29


    The manual is a little conflicted about the whole thing:

    "Download to Excel"

    "NOTE Although it is still possible to use this option to manually download entrants, it is much easier to use the Offline Administration Application which completely automates the process and this is now the recommended way of working." (no download available however?)" This manual option may be removed in future." (I only receive "Invalid File Format") While trying to use a csv with commas as delimiters. See picture: edit: picture changed

    Are the column headings correct? The download to excel (it downloads in xml format for me, but opens in excel) has columns named like Entry No. , First Name


    Last edit: Robin K 2017-07-29
    • Peter B

      Peter B - 2017-07-29

      Here you go....

  • Robin K

    Robin K - 2017-07-29

    Thanks! Seems a csv-file made based on that info works, so the manual needs some updating. I can help with that at least.

    However with the Excel VBA app I have no luck. Everything seems to go ok till login, after which I get "Information retrieved successfully from website" but also "No races received" in the lower left corner. Is it supposed to work fully with Excel 2013/2016? Does the offline tool work for historical races also?



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