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Project proposal

Existing stock market simulations (investopedia, etc.) place more emphasis on pretending to trade in real stocks, in real market conditions to simulate the actual experience of stock trading. Not enough emphasis is placed on the theoretical, "gut" feeling involved with investing and the simulation progresses too slowly for anything of value to be learned. In this simulation, random data is generated and displayed, and the user purchases or sells the securities in real-time in order to facilitate a keener understanding of the various securities available to the invester through a quicker and more direct manner than are available with simulations based on real market conditions. Trading in what are completely random securities, the user will have to rely purely on the principles of trading itself and not a lucky guess that, for instance, Exxon's stock price will rise in the aftermath of a hurricane, in order to be successful. All manner of securities will be eventually included, including selling short, buying and writing put/call options, selling the options themselves, bond markets, buying on margin and currency exchange. The project is written in Ruby and the interface is written with the Gosu graphics library.

Posted by Ryan 2005-09-24