
the Robotics Toolbox for Scilab/Scicos / News: Recent posts

New tutorial available

Hello RTSS users. I'm just informing you that a new tutorial, based on a collection of slides I presented at the 3-day training course "ScicosLab 2010" (Florence University, Italy), is available for download:

Further information, course material and photos are available at:


Posted by Matteo Morelli 2010-10-28

First beta of RTSS 1.0.0 released

Dear Scilab/Scicos users,

it took longer than expected,but a new release of the Robotics Toolbox
for Scilab/Scicos (1.0.0b1) is finally available for download.

RTSS is intended for modeling and simulation of robotic manipulators
in the Scilab/Scicos environment and has been developed at Centro
"E. Piaggio" by the student Matteo Morelli since 2007, as a project for
the undergraduate robotics course at the Faculty of Engineering at the
University of Pisa, Italy. RTSS is distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License, in the hope that it will be useful, BUT

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2009-10-03

Working environments for RTSS: A summary

Dear RTSS users,

in the last months, a lot of things have changed within the Scilab Community. As of version 5, Scilab/Scicos development has splitted into two separate projects: Scilab-5.x (, which has the lastest Scilab features but not the latest Scicos ones, and ScicosLab ( --maintained by the original developers of Scilab at INRIA and ENPC-- which is based on the official Scilab BUILD4 distribution and has the latest Scicos advancements and bug fixes but not the latest Scilab-5.x features.... read more

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2009-04-13

RTSS Wiki moved to Hosted Apps

Hello RTSS users. I'm just informing you that RTSS Development Wiki has moved and its new home is Please update your bookmarks.

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2009-04-13

RTSS Wiki is available

Dear Scilab users, quite a lot of work has been carried out on RTSS over the last five months. More information about RTSS development status can be found in the RTSS Wiki at

A detailed description of some development tasks still has to be completed. However, as things stand now, RTSS Wiki can already be considered the main reference source to learn about the major planned features for future releases of RTSS, and to learn some details about its internal implementation.... read more

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2008-08-15

RTSS 0.3.0 released

Dear Scilab users, a new release of the Robotics Toolbox for Scilab/Scicos (RTSS) is finally available for download. The 0.3.0 is a minor release in which significant fixes have been added. The use of RTSS 0.3.0 is therefore highly recommended.

Please refer to the README file that is included in the distribution for more information on upgrades from RTSS 0.2.0, and do not hesitate to report any problems in the Help Forum:

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2008-02-25

rtss-news mailing list created

rtss-news is a public and low traffic mailing list for RTSS new release announcements and related info. Interested users can subscribe to the rtss-news mailing list at the following web page:

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2007-12-26

RTSS 0.2.0 released

Hello Scilab users! RTSS has been upgraded to work with the new Scicos 4.2 packaged in Scilab 4.1.2. A lot of work has been done to allow RTSS to fully exploit the new Scicos features, and several bug fixes have been applied as well. The use of RTSS 0.2.0 is therefore highly recommended.

Please refer to the README file that is included in the distribution for more information on upgrades from RTSS 0.1.0, and do not hesitate to report any problems in the Help Forum:

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2007-10-26

RTSS 0.1.0 released

RTSS is intended for modeling and simulation of robotic manipulators in the Scilab/Scicos environment. Inspired by the Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB by Peter Corke, RTSS provides many functions that are useful in the field of robotics.

Dear Scilab users, the long wait has ended! I'm very pleased to announce that RTSS is now available for download. Try it out! And please, let me know your thoughts.... read more

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2007-10-04

RTSS Project Created

Recently, the RTSS project was approved for hosting on Thanks to the SourceForge staff for their service. The first release of RTSS-- the 0.1.0 --will be available in a few days. So please, stay connected!

Posted by Matteo Morelli 2007-09-30