
RSSOwl 2.0 Milestone 9 released

We are happy to announce that the next milestone of RSSOwl
2.0 is now available for download. This release comes with
some very cool features:

  • News Filter - apply actions on news automatically

  • New quick way of assigning Labels to News

  • Support for Phrase Searches

  • Improved Notifier

  • Multi Tabbed Browsing

  • Improved and secured embedded browser

  • Secure credentials with a master password

  • Automatically detect proxy settings (Windows)

  • a total of 102 bugs fixed

A flash demo showing the new features in action is
available as well ( If you have used previous versions of
RSSOwl 2.0, make sure to read the notes on how to update to
milestone 9:

For more information on RSSOwl 2.0, please visit

Posted by Anonymous 2009-03-04

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