
#552 Excessive System Resource Usage (Memory, User and GDI Objs)


RSS Bandit v. (the first version I have used)
appears to use excessive amounts of system resources.

After only having the program open a few miniutes and
reading and deleting ~10 feeds the resource usage looked
like this:

Virtual KB Curr = 342,300 Peak = 359,688
Working Set KB Curr = 7,864 Peak = 61,480
Page File KB Curr = 50,264 Peak = 59,616
System Pool KB Paged = 485 Nonpaged = 52
Private KB = 50,264
Handles Count = 563
Faults Count = 143,159
Objects = USER = 184 GDI = 485
Windows = 72
Reads = 13,400 Read KB = 12,491
Writes = 1,530 Write KB = 6,603
Other IOs = 20,575 Other KB = 1,680

Thats very excessive for an application that is left open
(minimised) and is only used three times a day.

Of most consern are the high GDI object count and ~50Mb
of memory in use.

All internal IE windows are closed and were not open at the
time of taking this information.

The believe this to be a critical issue.

This prevents me from using this application as my "normal"
RSS feed reader as a developer I have to keep an eye on
resource usage and currently cannot trust RSS Bandit.

Thanks for your understanding,


  • mogwhy

    mogwhy - 2005-09-12

    Logged In: YES

    Here is yet another set of stats after the machine was running for
    only 1 hour and 53 mins.

    Started by = C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
    Virtual KB Curr = 399,916 Peak = 421,108
    Working Set KB Curr = 26,916 Peak = 72,588
    Page File KB Curr = 68,888 Peak = 83,216
    System Pool KB Paged = 515 Nonpaged = 53
    Private KB = 68,888
    Handles Count = 690
    Faults Count = 269,474
    Objects = USER = 226 GDI = 4,294,957,884
    Windows = 107
    Reads = 32,013 Read KB = 36,717
    Writes = 11,413 Write KB = 26,941
    Other IOs = 45,682 Other KB = 3,677

    This is shockingly excessive.

  • mogwhy

    mogwhy - 2005-09-24

    Logged In: YES

    Another set of stats, uptime: 3 hours 10 mins 16 seconds.

    Started by = C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
    Virtual KB Curr = 507,264 Peak = 529,952
    Working Set KB Curr = 10,072 Peak = 109,304
    Page File KB Curr = 115,520 Peak = 126,352
    System Pool KB Paged = 580 Nonpaged = 60
    Private KB = 115,520
    Handles Count = 1,519
    Faults Count = 1,810,281
    Objects = USER = 244 GDI = 583
    Windows = 109
    Reads = 140,247 Read KB = 131,349
    Writes = 70,348 Write KB = 199,164
    Other IOs = 215,862 Other KB = 40,172

    This is shockingly excessive.
    Product version:

  • Dare Obasanjo

    Dare Obasanjo - 2005-10-16

    Logged In: YES

    Duplicate of bug# 971234


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