
DiceTool and Chat

  • Delak

    Delak - 2005-09-14

    I just read that there is a Chat feature in Maptool, does that inculde the ability to do and send dice rolls to the GM or is there a tie in with the DiceTool that a player can use that to make his/her rolls and send that to the GM for things like Init, Saves and attacks

    • David Rice

      David Rice - 2005-09-14

      Die rolling is not currently supported, but this is a feature that we are planning on adding sometime after the MapTool 1.0 release. 

      DiceTool has very powerful die rolling features that I would like to take advantage of, so it will probably be the same engine that will be integrated into MapTool.  However, the tabular display of dicetool doesn't make sense in the context of a tool like maptool, so the eventual display will probably be more like this:
      d20+10 = (17 + 10) = 27
      3d6 = (1 + 6 + 4) = 11

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2005-09-14

      as a side note, the chat mechanism is built using a simple macro engine, chat just happens to be one of the macros.

      Eventually the die rolling capability will be added as Just Another Macro :)

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-09-14

      Cool, so could a player use the DiceRoller and then just cut and paste the results into the chat of Maptool?

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2005-09-14

      At some point the two will be integrated, so you won't have to :)


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