
maptool GM control of clients

  • Sean Middleditch

    Can the GM control clients' view of the map?

    The primary use I can think of for this tool in my own gaming group would be to hook up a machine to the large-screen TV we have next to the gaming table to display the map for the players, and use my iBook for running the details.  Combined with visibility masks, it would allow me to have a complete view of the maps while the players only see what I want them to.

    I would imagine the control working by having a special token on the display screen which is the client's center of focus, with the zoom level also displayed by the token.  I could drag the token around to move the client's view and use the keyboard or scroll wheel to change the zoom level.  Multiple clients could likewise be supported by using different tokens for each client.

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2005-09-12

      The current release of maptool does not do this.  However there is already a tracker issue for it:

      All the necessary support code to do this has been written, it just needs the final layer.  Since it will be useful to you, I will prioritize this for the next release.

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2005-09-14

      A quick update: the code for Enforce View has just hit CVS, I expect it will be available on ALPHA in the next couple days.

      Fog of War is next on the agenda, should take about a week.


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