
Diceroller and Chat program

  • Delak

    Delak - 2005-10-24

    Ok here is just a brief overview of what I think would be good for this type of program.

    Have the dicetool have integrated chat. Some features of both would be:
    1. When rolling have the result automaticly sent over the chat.
    2. Have the abiltity to send roll results to just the GM.
    3. Have roll results not show in the chat window for private rolls.
    4. be able to send private chat to other players and/or just the GM
    5. GM have the abiltiy to boot players out.
    6. Keep the same dice rolling features that exist in the dice tool.
    7. change chat text - font, color, size, etc...
    8. Have the chat window blink when new chat is entered.

    I think thats about it for now.
    The reason i feel it should be a seperate program is it would save space on the maptool to show more of the map and other features just for the map.

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2005-10-24

      Just out of curiosity, are you using the existing chat functionality in MapTool (/s "Hello World").  It's a shoddy first implementation, but serves as a placeholder for usability.

      The idea is that the panel shows up on top of the map.  The thought was to make it similar to the way chat is done in World of Warcraft.

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-10-24

      We have only used it to send jokes. I am not a big fan of the way it works right now for several reasons.

      1. the text blocks some of the map
      2. you cant see the text if part of your map is white or whitish
      3. if you dont look at the map all the time you can miss text

      thats what i can come up with off of the top of my head.

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-11-02

      Just wanted to know if there is any feedback or talks with the design team about this option.

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2005-11-02

      Yeah, let me give you an update:

      1) Yes.  There is a tracker for this to be put in M7.  At first it will be a simple implementation that will let you type something like '/roll 1d6 + 5'.  The result will show up to everyone and include who rolled it

      2) We have discussed the possibility of having chat 'channels', where you can create groups of who gets the chat text.  In the short term perhaps we can put in a /rollgm or something that only broadcasts to gms.

      3) Same thing as 2, we could put in a /rollme or something.  Thoughts ?

      4) We have also discussed having a 'whisper' that you can send a specific person a chat (including rolls).  This is a post 1.0 feature.

      5) I've add a tracker for this one.  Might put this into 1.0 if there is time.

      6) It will most likely be a subset of the functionality.  At some point in the future we will make the various rptools communicate with each other, but that's not in scope at the moment.  Instead, we're discussing putting a trivialized version of the dicetool into one of the panels on the left, where the results show up in the chat window.  There has been some development to put the DiceTool engine into a library so that it can be leveraged by both projects.

      7) Font color will be supported, possibly bold, italic, and underline.  font family and size have not been planned.  Family is tricky because not everyone will have the same font set, and sharing fonts is a bit tricky (think windows vs linux).  Size can be done, but imagine the jackass player that keeps spamming in all 26pt font bold all caps.

      8) This is certainly a possibility, it has not yet been discussed

      9) Make as a separate program.  Currently the chat shows up on top of the map (it's see-through), so screen realistate isn't an issue.  We might look at changing that if player feedback prefers something else.  Give it a try and see if it grows on you or not :)

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-11-02

      It all sounds good and I am willing to give it a try and see how it works out.
      1.) I dont have a problem with typing in 1d6 +5 but it would be cool to have buttons for storing rolls we do all the time especialy for the players. Like init., Attacks, Saves that kind of thing. And for the DM it would be cool for just easy of use to click one button for % and other common dice rolls.

      3.)that sounds good to me and should work fine.

      7.) Font Family I personaly wouldnt really worry about to much add the most common ones Times New Roman, Ariel that kind of thing I think would be fine.

      8.) with the chat integrated with maptools then having maptools blink like AIM would be good. As I use two programs during my games one for Combat and Campagin Managment and then Maptools if I am in DM Genie and some sends chat I usually miss it.

      10.) Forgot to add this one - Have the ability to scroll back that text to see pervious text just in case we miss something someone said.

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2005-11-02

        1) That's certainly going to happen, it might be post 1.0 though, depending on how quick the other features are implemented :)

        8) Ahh, when you say blink, you mean the task bar icon, not the window itself.  Gotcha.  Would it be useful to have it blink for any updates ?  Like someone moves something ?

        10) This is already implemented, but commented out for the moment while we hammer out ui details.  it will show up before M7 goes beta

        Thanks again for taking your time to submit feedback :)

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-11-02

      I have faith in you and your team of getting it in.
      Sorry about the lack of detail there, yes i mean the task bar icon. Yes I think that would be great that it blinks when someone moves there token or adds a drawing such as a line or something.
      Very cool because i know I would be missing everything.

      11.) Another thing that would be cool is to be able to copy past the test from the chat.

      12.) Have an option to log the chat messages for later use such as posting to a Campagin website or for rules clarification after the game session is over.

      Its no problem giving feedback like i have said before I really like this program. I should be thank you for making the program and taking the time to listen to the users feedback and make changes based on that feedback.

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2005-11-02

        Mmmmmmm I really like those two.  I'll add them to the requested features of the chat panel.

        It will also support cut-paste large text into the chat panel

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-11-03

      very cool

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-11-07

      I was thinking about this today. Could you do a transparent or semitransparent controls for the dice rolling User Interface like Everquest has?

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2005-11-07

        I'm not familiar with that aspect of the Everquest interface. 

        Is it a floating panel that is semi transparent and sits on top of the play area ?


    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-11-07

      From what i remeber and its been awhile that I have played but you could set the transparentciy of the User Interface and also move the boxes around the screen. Yes it did sit ontop of the play area.

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-11-21

      Hello all,

      Is the /roll command in the M7 release yet? I had an issue with a remote usering getting a role that I found to be suspect.

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2005-11-21

        The commands /roll, /rollme, and /rollgm all exist in M7,  but they don't actually roll yet.  We were planning on hooking dicetool up, but then realized that the engine it uses (JEP) is GPL, which would constrict the license that we use (MIT).

        So we're in the middle of developing a fully free syntax engine.  I understand the progress is coming along quite nicely (giliath is developing it).

        What kind of complexity do you need right away?  I could probably hook up a basic xdy + z kind of thing real quick that you could use until the full engine is implemented.

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-11-21

      no need to do that I dont think. My next game isnt going to be for a few weeks.

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-12-01

      I have a new suggestion after using a chat program with my last game that had a diceroller in it like the one you are purposing. If we can have the ability to add a prefix to the roll or before it so we can lable what the roll is that would be great. For example /roll 1d20+4 "Inititive" would display this on the chat window - Fobbo rolls 1d20+4 (10+4) 14 "Inititive" something like that. or before like /roll "init" 1d20+4. Fobbo rolls "init" 1d20+4 10+4 = 14

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2005-12-01

        Hmmm, interesting proposal.  We'll see if we can drop that in.

        On a side note, the new rolling engine is moving along nicely.  In the mean time, I've implemented a very trivial dice roller that understands simple #d#+/-#.

        It can be used:


        which broadcasts to the respective channel.  This should hit Alpha in the next day or two.

    • Delak

      Delak - 2005-12-01

      Good news. If its in before my sunday session I will give it a test with my players durning that session.

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2005-12-01

        Cool, I'll make sure it is then :)


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