
Keyboard shortcut to move tabs around

  • Vincent Voyer

    Vincent Voyer - 2014-11-27

    I love the fact that gnome-terminal, sublime text and google chrome are able to move tabs from the keyboard (ctrl + shift + pgup/pgdown).

    How would such feature fit into roxterm? As we are already able to move tabs with the mouse I guess it would not be too hard.


  • Tony Houghton

    Tony Houghton - 2014-11-27

    That should already be possible. Add this to your shortcuts config file:

    Tabs/Move Tab Left=<Shift><Control>Page_Up
    Tabs/Move Tab Right=<Shift><Control>Page_Down

    If you use roxterm's menu entries to edit shortcuts in 2.9.x beware of a bug (to be fixed in 2.9.5). You need to set the EDITOR variable in the environment roxterm is launched from, otherwise this menu item causes a crash.

  • Vincent Voyer

    Vincent Voyer - 2014-12-11

    Thanks a LOT Tony, works well.

    May be a good idea to make it a default shortcut. Pretty common.


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