
#461 Arpeggio creator (automatic strummer)


I have this idea in my mind for some time but never asked about it because I don't know if it's easy or hard to implement. But now let's go.
I would like to suggest you to create an option in notation editor (maybe under "note" menu) called create arpeggio. (Well that's the name I suggest...)
It would remain inactive and only would be active if two or more notes, starting at the same time, would be selected. When clicked it would open a box with the field "arpeggio factor" two options to be checked (only one of them): "ascending" / "descending" and the traditional buttons ok and cancel.
I created the attached file manually, but the create arpeggio would automatize this. At the first measure I have a chord C-E-G-B. At the second measure I double-clicked E, unchecked lock change to performed values, reduced the duration value by 20 and added 20 to the absolute time value. Then I did the same with G but using 40 (20+20) and with B using 60 (20+20+20). (If I had more notes the changes in value would be 80, 100 ... because I was using 20 as my factor.) In the second measure I did the same but descending.
So if I had a create arpeggio option all I had to do was select the chord, click create arpeggio, enter the arpeggio factor "20" select ascending to do like the 2nd measure or descending to do like 3rd and click ok. :) Letting the user insert the arpeggio factor allows for a customized longer or faster arpeggio. ;)
The only issue is that if you aplly the interpret function to these chords, without tenuto, in the example file, all of notes receive a 2592 duration value. Their starting time doesn't time but duration does. :( There would be the nedd to workaround this.
Well, this is my idea, now you may see if you want to implement it.

1 Attachments


  • Ted Felix

    Ted Felix - 2015-09-15

    This sounds like our "figuration" feature which I believe Tom implemented. The documentation appears to be here:

  • Fernando A. Martin

    Very interesting. I didn't know this function. Very nice to create riffs, vamps and other arpeggiated accompaniments. However I think it's slightly different from what I had in mind.
    The idea here was a way to automatize the creation of block chords that are played arpeggiated. (I don't know if figuration can do this because I'm new to it.)
    If you look at the arpeggiated-chord file here you'll see that the C-E-G chord is still a block chord. But there's a delay of 40 to the execution of note E and of 80 to G. Also there's a reduction of 40 in the duration of E and of 80 in the duration of G.
    If figuration is intended to do this too, please, tell me how. If not, maybe I didn't express myself correctly. The idea is not playing arpeggiated notes but playing arpeggiated block chords.
    In Chopin's Polonaise Heroic we have chords like this. They are inserted in the middle of the melody, making it hard to acchive using figuration.


    Last edit: Fernando A. Martin 2015-09-15
  • D. Michael McIntyre

    • summary: Arpeggio creator --> Arpeggio creator (automatic strummer)
  • D. Michael McIntyre

    In a world where I had both time and skill to add something cool and complicated to the notation editor, I think the ideal way to implement this would be to replace the "Arp." LilyPond directive with a real arpeggio object. An Indication probably. Then add functionality to the notation interpreter to interpret the things automatically when you Adjust->Interpret. It could even have an optional pop-out dialog that let you configure how you wanted the chords to roll. The net result, with or without the extra fancy fine tuning options, would be a neatly notated display duration chord with suitably adjusted performance durations.

    This idea is very cool, but on a complexity scale of 1 to 10, this is at least an 8. All I have time to get done myself these days is more like a 1 or a 2 at most. I just work too many hours, and I have so many things to do with my limited free time.

    I'm really torn here. It might be easier to just bolt some arpeggio feature on, but this thing I've outlined is the most elegant an intuitive way to do it. It would be beautiful, instead of settling for yet another ugly half measure.

    It so happens I could have just used the thing too. My head is kind of on this wavelength right now.

    Whether that equals code for you or not is hard to say, but it isn't a good bet. If wishes were lines of code, Rosegarden would be able to drive your car and roll you a Cuban cigar by now.

  • Fernando A. Martin

    It's sad to see how many nice open-source projects cannot be taken further due to lack of workforce. :(
    The idea of having an arpeggio symbol that when interpreted creates an arpeggiated strumming is reallly nice. Musescore does this and it sounds cool. The only caveat is that the strumming delay is fixed. Musescore, for example, strums the chord like a pianist would do while playing Chopin (or maybe slower). So if you want a faster strum like that of a flamenco guitarrist you won't get it.
    But having such a function on Rosegarden, if possible, with or without options to customize it, would be nice anyway.
    Thans for the attention. :)


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