
#421 Video synch options

Not Likely
gui (27)

This would be of a great benefit for composers writing music for film or TV, especially when used in conjunction with something like xjadeo. This would basically be something in two parts:

  1. a global document property that specifies the framerate in frames per second (24, 25, 29.97, 30, etc).

  2. The ability to specify a frame in the TimeWidget, it would be another way to calculate the time for makers, tempo changes, etc (1 frame ~42 milliseconds at 24 fps, for instance). Keeping track of the absolute frame number would be helpful also (00:00:03;12 = 3 seconds, 12 frames or frame 60 @24 fps)


  • Julie S.

    Julie S. - 2011-02-07

    Hello Brett,

    I think this seems workable, but not a priority here. If this where implemented, this is how I see it.
    * Place the frame rate selection in Edit->Preferences->General->Behavior

    The only real problem I see is notifying windows that rely on the Frame rate. We could go the complicated checking the status, or the easy route of noting that the frame rate won't take full effect until restart (or next document load).

    • Update TimeWidget with additional hours, frames and a label for the frame rate in effect.

    • Update tooltip for timesignature / tempo ruler to also show frame rate info.

    • When dragging segments, update Main canvas tooltip also show frame rate info.

    I can think of several other areas where displaying the measure, beat, minutes, seconds, etc. could be useful, but those listed seem to be the most immediately useful.

    • Adding Frame rate button for Tempo / Time signature View, and Event Editor View along with musical times, raw, times, etc tool bar buttons would be appropriate as well.

    Note: I am not setting any requirements here, I am just listing my thoughts on how I see this unfolding, if this were implemented.

    Julie S.

  • D. Michael McIntyre

    I wouldn't mind seeing this done, but I'm not going to write it. It's way out of my area of expertise, and I can't learn everything in one lifetime.

  • D. Michael McIntyre

    • Group: --> Not Likely

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