
#1698 Notation Editor notes and text illegible in repeating segments


I upgraded from branch [9081ce], where I was using the special logging related to bug #1693 and decided to upgrade to master [60afb3] and built that on Debian bookworm. Although fine in the main segment itself, both the notes and the text are illegible in the repeating sections when viewed in the Notation Editor. They are an extreme faded gray, whereas previously they have been a readable gray as per all previous versions of RG that I have used.

There was one thing different during the build of [60afb3]. The RG dependencies page had been updated since I last checked to include libgtk2.0-dev (as well as LV plugins). I do not know if this is the issue, although a rebuild without using at least the gtk package could reveal that.

Does RG provide any feature to control the gray for those notes and text? I doubt it, but as it stands I have no choice but to revert back to [9081ce] and remain there until this issue is fixed or some method is suggested to allow the notes to still be seen clearly. On revert, the text is once again legible implying that the issue is not only local RG, but local to the [60afb3] build.


Commit: [9081ce]
Commit: [60afb3]


  • musewhirl

    musewhirl - 2024-07-29

    I decided to build [60afb3] again using the dependencies I have used in the past i.e. without libgtk2.0-dev or liblilv-dev, and the problem persists. I would say that something has been introduced to master between [9081ce] and [60afb3] which is causing this issue.



    Commit: [9081ce]
    Commit: [60afb3]

  • Ted Felix

    Ted Felix - 2024-08-01
  • Ted Felix

    Ted Felix - 2024-08-01

    Fix pushed as [9e623b]. Please test latest git.



    Commit: [9e623b]

  • Ted Felix

    Ted Felix - 2024-08-01
    • status: open --> feedback
    • assigned_to: Philip Leishman
  • musewhirl

    musewhirl - 2024-08-05

    Tested and working perfectly


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