
#379 robocode sometimes does not see a recompiled jar

Future Release

There is very strange behaviour. I am still not sure what triggers it, but it goes like this:

I use a makefile which assembles/compiles my bot jar, then it copies it into the robots dir. Quite often this leads to my bot disappearing from the list of the available bots, rescan does not birng it back. The only way to get it back is to shut the reobocode off and restart it.

This is somewhat mitigated if I Stop the robocode battle from the gui and then restart from the gui as well, most of the time the new jar is picked up (it has the same name as the old one) but sometimes it still disappers from the list of the available bots.

I think this behaviour was introduced somewhere in 1.8, the version 1.7.3 was very robust and never exibited the above behavior, even if I did not do the stop/restart gui cycle.

This bug is not a show stopper but it is quite annoyng one.


  • Flemming N. Larsen

    • status: open --> closed
  • Flemming N. Larsen

    Was never able to reproduce the issue.


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