
change default font?

  • Joel Oliveira

    Joel Oliveira - 2000-06-08

    Is there a way to change the default font that the rio500 module uses?  I sifted through the .fon files to see which one it was using but it wasn't there so I'm thinking it might be something compiled into the module (I'm probably WAY off but...).  I know how to use the cmd line switches in a shell ... but what about the gui apps like grio500 that have no option to change the fonts yet?

    Thanks :)

    • Stephen Lau

      Stephen Lau - 2000-06-09

      Currently, the only way to change the default font is to recompile the library using the different ./configure options.

      My next release of grio500 will contain a dialog box to change your font on the fly, so you can use different fonts for different songs and stuff.  I was planning on getting this done by the end of the week, but I don't think it's going to make it.  I've got finals next week - so my priority is to study for those. :)  However, once I'm done with school and go home, the first thing I will be doing is adding font support to grio500.



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