
Rezilla / News: Recent posts

Rezilla 1.1 released!

Hi all!

Version 1.1 of Rezilla has just been released. It is a major upgrade which
introduces many new features and bug fixes:

New features

* new plugin architecture to support the addition of third party editors

* new image editor (implemented as a plugin) to display and manipulate
image resources. It supports the following image formats:

* new 'icns' editor to manage icon suite resources. You can create,
modify, redraw, delete, etc. any of the bitmaps included in an 'icns'
resource suite. Possibility of importing from or exporting to a ".icns"
image data file. Possibility of exploding or imploding the contents of
an 'icns'.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2006-11-28

Rezilla 1.0.8 released!

Hi all!

Version 1.0.8 of Rezilla has just been released.

This new version is a maintenance release. It introduces some new minor features and fixes a few bugs:
* better handling of opening of files on read-only media
* better support of hex value string formats in popups
* fixed a wrong offset in the items of flag popups used by BORV/WORV/LORV template tags (bugs 1415340 and 1415342)
* fixed crashing bug occuring in certain circumstances with templates using CASE tags (bugs 1241475 and 1412133).
* additional format to display the four values of a RECT tag in templates: top left bottom right or top left width height. This can be selected via the Preferences.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2006-02-14

Rezilla 1.0.7 released with string list editor

This is the seventh public release of Rezilla (1.0.7). It is now in final stage. It comes with no guarantee though the present version has been thoroughly tested and has proven quite stable and reliable.

This new version adds the following features:
* a string list resources editor which lets you edit resources of type 'STR#',
'MBAR', 'Mcmd', 'RidL'. This editor has drag and drop capacity and
makes it easy to add or remove items in the lists.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2005-09-23

Rezilla 1.0.6b with a Menu editor and AppleScript support

This is the sixth public release of Rezilla (1.0.6b). It is now in beta stage. It comes with no guarantee though the present version has been thoroughly tested and has proven quite stable and reliable.

This new version adds the following features:
* a MENU resource editor (which supports 'xmnu' menu extension resources)

* complete scriptability to drive Rezilla from AppleScript scripts
This scripting support comes with a detailed tutorial and a lot of
sample scripts... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2005-07-05

Rezilla 1.0.5b with bitmap, unicode and aete editors!

This is the fifth public release of Rezilla (1.0.5b), provided for people who want to give it a try at the current stage of its development. It is now in beta stage. It comes with no guarantee though the present version has been thoroughly tested and has proven quite stable and reliable.

This new version adds the following features:
* a Bitmap Editor which is able to edit any of the following types:... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2005-02-28

Rezilla 1.0.4a with a Template editor!

This is the fourth public alpha release of Rezilla (1.0.4a).

The Rezilla project is a work in progress. This release is still an alpha release, provided for those who want to give it a try at the current stage of its development. It comes with no guarantee though the present version has been thoroughly tested and has proven quite stable and reliable.

What's new in version 1.0.4a:
* it now has a template editor which is able to edit with a nice user interface more than 370 resource types;... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-11-23

Rezilla 1.0.3a released

This is the third public alpha release of Rezilla (1.0.3a).

The Rezilla project is a work in progress. This is just an alpha release, provided as a foretaste for people who want to give it a try at the current stage of development. It comes with no guarantee.

What's new in version 1.0.3a:
Added an "Interface" preferences panel with font and size menus. It allows to specify a font and a size for the hexadecimal editor windows and comparison results windows. Monospaced fonts are strongly recommended.
Hexadecimal editor windows and comparison results windows are now resizable. The size of the subpanes is adjusted to a multiple of the characters width.
Fixed bug with arrow keys action in textual pane of hex editor windows.
Merged resource data pane classes together to simplify inheritance hierarchy.
Version string returned from Info.plist file rather than 'vers' resources.
Last viewed pane in preferences is remembered.
Suppressed grey background and separator line in hex editor panes.
Style changes apply to comparison results windows.
Enabled Copy in resource data panes of comparison results windows. Cut, Clear and Paste commands are disabled: these panes are meant for viewing, not editing.
File names are now displayed in POSIX style.
In the Resource Maps Comparison dialog, one can drag and drop a file from the Finder onto one of the file fields to select it rather than using the "Set" button.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-06-09

Rezilla 1.0.2a released

This is the second public alpha release of Rezilla (1.0.2a).

The Rezilla project is a work in progress. This is just an alpha release,
provided as a foretaste for people who want to give it a try at the current
stage of development. It comes with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk.

What's new in version 1.0.2a:
this version adds Preferences. Three Preferences panel let you set
various values and properties. The XML export can be made in two different
formats now: there is an elements-based DTD and an attributes-based DTD.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-05-24

Rezilla 1.0.1a released

This is the first public alpha release of Rezilla (1.0.1a).

The Rezilla project is a work in progress. This alpha release is provided
as a foretaste for people who want to give it a try at the current stage of
development. It comes with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk.

That said, the present version contains all the basic features and has
proven quite stable and reliable: it lets you edit, create, modify,
duplicate, remove resources contained in any fork (data fork or resource
fork), copy, cut and paste them from a resource map to the other, drag and
drop resources, compare resource maps etc.
On the other hand, the custom editors and the plugin architecture are not
implemented yet.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-05-09

State of development

As of beginning of march 2004, the project is in an alpha stage of development. Most of the features have already been implemented among which:
- rez map editing (copy, remove, duplicate, get info, save in resource or in data forks)
- hexadecimal editor of resources
- inspector window
- drag and drop
- copy/cut/paste of resources
- comparison of rez maps
- export of rez maps in text, xml and html formats... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-03-05