
New Release: Retroshare V0.3.11B

A new release (V0.3.11B) is now available for download!!!

This is a cleaned up version of the V0.3.11A development
release from a couple of weeks ago.

Improvements Since V0.3.11A
* Cleaned up Retroshare Networking Configuration.
* Switch uPnP to off by default (notes below)
* Corrected couple of GUI text problems.
* DHT can now be switched on/off. (requires restart)
* DHT and UPnP Status available.

Improvements since V0.3.10B (last stable version)
* UPnP Added - automatically setup router
* Found *THE* Bug that was crashing retroshare on Windows (notes below).
* DHT ini-file updated every 10 minutes or so. (never get out of date again!)
* Improved GUI ... Chat / About / Startup
* Fixed the Column widths!!!!!
* Lots of other fixes ... see SVN Logs for more details.

(1) UPnP will be switched off initially when you first load
this new version of retroshare. Why? This ensures that
the new version doesn't mess up any port forwarding
that people have in their current retroshare configuration.
Secondly, I've only one real confirmation about uPnP's
actual status - and it wasn't working correctly....
I'm sure it is working correctly for some people,
but I don't want to turn on something that isn't 100%
by default.

When I get more feedback whether uPnP working, and
most people have upgraded from Pre V0.3.11 (so they have
configuration options), then I'll turn on uPnP by default.

(2) The BUG was caused by scanf("%hhx", ...), which doesn't
work correctly under MinGW. Instead of writing out 8 bits,
it writes 32 bits. This stomps on some random memory,
and was causing retroshare to crash after some random
amount of time ( 5min -> 4 hours).

Anyway, its fixed now!

This isn't the only bug (retroshare on windows still crashes)
but it takes a hell of a lot longer now (~8 hours),
and it looks like a Qt Error message that hangs.
I'm sure we'll nail the last windows bugs soon.

DrBob and the retroshare Team.

Posted by Dr Bob 2012-12-07

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