
#399 Retroshare not starting in Debian 9


Install went fine (latest build for debian 9), user creation went fine.
But after loging in the login Window disappears. Nothing else happens.
If started from terminal an error is given out (in German "Speicherzugriffsfehler"... translated "Memory access error". See file attached.

When started with sudo an empty window pops up and another error is given out in terminal (see second attachment).

2 Attachments


  • CsoL

    CsoL - 2018-05-07
    • assigned_to: CsoL
  • hoiba

    hoiba - 2018-05-07

    Thanks for your fast reply!

    I installed Retroshare the way which is posted on the official download page. Using the opensuse repo. So Retroshare itself should be ok.

    There's sqlcipher/stable 3.2.0-2 amd64 installed on my system. Should I try to upgrade?

    In the meantime I used wine to test the Windows Binary which worked .... but.. well.. :-)

    • CsoL

      CsoL - 2018-05-07

      yes, definitely upgrade. I think it's the one that crashes. Try 3.4.1. I believe they also had the same problem with Tox:


      Last edit: CsoL 2018-05-07
  • CsoL

    CsoL - 2018-05-07

    If you're trying to create a source package, be aware that this process is already been automated. To create a source package, you just need to do this:

    git clone
    cd retroshare/build_scripts/Debian+Ubuntu
    ./ -distribution stretch

    This script re-clones the repository (I know it's not optimal), removes unwanted content from it, and creates the deb src package.

    You may remove the -k option of debuild at the end of the script to avoid signing with the built-in PGP key.

    To compile that package for stretch, I usually use "pbulder-dist stretch build *.dsc" on ubuntu.

    Thx and come back to me if you need anything.

  • hoiba

    hoiba - 2018-05-08

    Good morning!

    I did use apt to install RS:

    #1 wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
    #2 sudo sh -c "echo 'deb /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/retroshare.list"
    #3 sudo apt-get update
    #4 sudo apt-get install retroshare

    Just upgraded sqlcipher to 3.4.1-1 and it worked like a charme. Tried 3.2.0-2 first, because this is the latest version included in the Debian 9 stable release. .. which did not work.
    Manually upgrading to 3.4.1-1 did the trick. Retroshare now starting fine.

    Thanks for your help!


    If someone has the same issues, download these files for your (Debian) system:

    then install via terminal:

    sudo dpkg -i libsqlcipher0_3.4.1-1_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i sqlcipher_3.4.1-1_amd64.deb

    Last edit: hoiba 2018-05-08

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