have the same error on debian stretch amd64 with all version (git/svn/stable/unstable/compiled)

getRetroshareDataDirectory() Linux: /usr/share/RetroShare06
RsControlModule: initialising libretroshare...
RetroShare:: Successfully installed the SIGPIPE Block
Cannot hash executable! Plugins will not be loaded correctly.
defaultBaseDirectory() = /home/meta-system/.retroshare
Pubring read successfully.
Secring read successfully.
PGPHandler: Successfully read 2 trust packets.
getAvailableAccounts() Skipping Invalid sized dir: extensions6
getAvailableAccounts() Skipping Invalid sized dir: pgp
Using attribute: a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9
Could not get passwd from gnome keyring
SSL Id: a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9 PGP Id 6CC00FC017634D5B PGP Name: metasystem PGP Email:  Location: Atom
Type a number to select an account
[0] metasystem(Atom)
0AuthGPG::GPGInit() called with own gpg id : 6CC00FC017634D5B
Invalid Certificate
AuthGPG::GPGInit finished.
PGP Auth Success! ID: 6CC00FC017634D5B
Using attribute: a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9
Could not get passwd from gnome keyring
opening sslPassphraseFile : /home/meta-system/.retroshare/LOC06_a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9/keys/ssl_passphrase.pgp
pgp_pwd_callback() called.
Enter the password for key metasystem (Generated by RetroShare) <>(6CC00FC017634D5B)
************TerminalApiClient: got a password
pgp_pwd_callback() called.
Enter the password for key metasystem (Generated by RetroShare) <>(6CC00FC017634D5B)
**********TerminalApiClient: got a password
Decrypting went ok !
sslpassword: ******************** (length = 64)
rsAccounts->PathKeyFile() : /home/meta-system/.retroshare/LOC06_a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9/keys/user_pk.pem
SSL Library Init!
SSL Id: a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9 PGP Id 6CC00FC017634D5B PGP Name: metasystem PGP Email:  Location: Atom
Type a number to select an account
[0] metasystem(Atom)
SSL Verification Set
Inited SSL context: 
    Certificate: a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9
    cipher list: kEDH+HIGH:!DSS:!aNULL:!3DES:!EXP
    PFS enabled: YES
Creating Init File: /home/meta-system/.retroshare/default_cert_06.txt
    Id: a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9
RsControlModule: login ok, starting Retroshare worker threads...
AuthSSLimpl::InitAuth already initialized.
set the debugging to crashMode.
Detected Old Crash File: /home/meta-system/.retroshare/LOC06_a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9/retro.log
Copying to: /home/meta-system/.retroshare/LOC06_a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9/retro.log-save
Logging redirected to /home/meta-system/.retroshare/LOC06_a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9/retro.log
Switching To CrashLog Mode!
Checking For Directories
Load up Certificates, and Old Configuration (if present).
Load Configuration
setup classes / structures
Checking for DHT bootstrap file: /home/meta-system/.retroshare/LOC06_a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9/bdboot.txt
(EE) Cannot load filter file /home/meta-system/.retroshare/LOC06_a9b467afabf38548fbdd9baec89cace9/bdfilter.txt
bdNode::setNodeDhtMode(768), origFlags: 0
bdNode::setNodeDhtMode() newFlags: 768
bdNode::setNodeDhtMode(4096), origFlags: 768
bdNode::setNodeDhtMode() newFlags: 4864
Encrypted file cache not present. Trying unencrypted...
Unencrypted file cache not present either.
   Reference executable hash: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
(II) Executable hash matches. Updating the list of accepted/rejected plugins.
Examined a total of 0 plugins.
PluginManager: saving list.
  Saving current executable hash: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
zsh: segmentation fault  RetroShare06-nogui

Working on funtoo current amd64.