Retroshare crashes on OS X (10.6.8) after some time and on special actions like adding contact while trying to connect to another contact. i put every crash report in a Gist and you can create issues for a single bug where crashreports belong together. i hope i can help to fix this issues. would be great if the software would run without crashing!
i have 73 friends and at this time are 5 - 12 online.
if i reduce the parralel downloads from 64 to 32, it runs longer.
it is very frustrating to test this software again after a year and it still crashes!
feel free to contact me if i can help you, but i don't have a developer environment or debuggins tools and don't want to compile it from source.
after i updated to 0.5.5c it only crashed 2 times and runs now for 2 weeks or so.
the software is usable for me, thank you.